I thought it was funny…

I saw this on innocent_man‘s journal and thought it was both funny and insulting. I guess I’m in an odd mood today.

I’m insulted because of the straw man, of course. I don’t think “D&D sucks.” I think it’s a bad game that encourages bad roleplaying. I can even go into great detail why I think such unholy and unclean thoughts.

Maybe I’ll write a book about it…

Band Update

The room was very small. I had just been to Guitar Center, walking through the drum section, looking to get a pair of sticks. I hadn’t sat down behind a kit in more than ten years. I bought sticks from the discount bin. Five bucks for two pair. Seemed like a good deal. After all, crapdaddy and I were just gonna fuck around in a little room we rented for $20/hour. What we didn’t know was how much damn fun it was going to be.

Two hours later, we were both sweaty and sore. More importantly, we were smiling. “Fun” is too small a word. Perhaps if it had about seventeen more syllables, it’d be the right word. crapdaddy brought a few tunes he’d been noodling around with and I played along, watching closely, trying too hard to match my old skills. And when someone counted “1, 2, 3, 4!” we both erupted into an improv jam that sounded like something you’d hear on KROQ.

Something was there. We were communicating with glances. Tempo changes with a quick stare. We were paying attention to each other. We were listening to silent signals. Something was there.

A few more sessions saw that quiet bond between us grow. My playing got tighter as my rapid movements shook off the dust. crapdaddy‘s playing is so amazing: he improvises riffs that sound like they came off Black Sabbath albums. (The first four.) When he’s in the pocket, his body goes into fierce dance that would scare Joe Cocker. We had something and it was good.

Another week went by and we added Patrick on vocals. That’s when we knew it. Everyone was watching everybody else. crapdaddy and Patrick had played together before, bringing their old chemistry–like alchemists–back into our dynamic duo mix. A third element added, we were that much closer to orichalcum.

Second week with Patrick and we have an unspoken epiphany. I scale back my fills to fit the song and not my ego. crapdaddy‘s playing compliments the singer. Mine compliments the guitar. We’re listening to each other, watching each other, each piece making the unit sound united. Cohesive. A band.

We have two finished songs under our belt. Tomorrow night, we have a goal of adding a third. We also need a name. Suggestions welcome.

(The only thing I’ve thought of so far is Alchemy. I like it. We’ll see.)


PS: Hey crapdaddy, “Marshall will bouy, but Fender control!”

Ann Coulter

In case you haven’t heard, in her new book, Ann Coulter has made some rather incredibly insensitive comments…

… no, wait. I just can’t do it. I tried to be objective about this. I really did. But I can’t do it anymore.

What I want now, if you are a conservative or Republican or whatever, and you are reading this right now, this is what I want you to do.

Watch this.

Then, watch this.

Then, come back here and tell me if you think Ann Coulter is sane. What’s more tell me:

Does Ann Coulter accurately represent the attitudes and philosophies of the Republican party?

Straight “Yes” or “No.” No equivocation. No evasion. No spin. Just a “Yes” or “No.”

Do you agree with her or disagree with her? Does she represent your political philosophies?

The truth is always simple. Liars want to complicate things.