Magneto is a Fag

This isn’t news to me (or many others who read this), but the way he said it is beautiful.

(from the IMDB)

McKellen: “Homosexuality Made Me Feel Like a Mutant”

Sir Ian McKellen took inspiration for his role in X-Men: The Last Stand from society’s treatment of homosexuals, because he was made to feel like an inferior outsider. The Lord Of The Rings star has been openly gay since the 1980s, and he takes exception to the common assumption that homosexuals can be “cured” – and channeled his fury into the role of Magneto. Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival Monday, McKellen vented, “As a gay man, some people think that it ought to be cured and made normal again and I find it as offensive as someone saying that they have a cure for the color of their skin. This particular story was close to my heart; it has an important message to young people who may for one reason or another be disaffected with society because society points at their differences and says that they’re inferior to the rest of us.” In Brett Ratner‘s third installment of the comic book adaptation, McKellen’s character leads the evil mutant’s struggle against government plans to introduce a cure for their conditions.

2nd Level Thief

Someone superglued one of our locks. I called the locksmith to change it out.

While he was here, I bought him lunch (pizza and salad) and picked his brain. He got out the tools and showed me how to pick a lock.

I am now a 2nd level thief. (Not a rogue. Thieves who call themselves rogues are like trekkies who call themselves trekkers. Sissified Frenchy wannabe thieves.)


The most beautiful expression of true love:

“It’s okay, Marv. You can call me Goldie.”

The DaVinci Code

The movie bored me just as much as the book did. I hoped Ron Howard could pull off a miracle and make a book that I could only listen to, and not read, more interesting. Alas and alack, it was not to be.

Strangely, the movie had the exact opposite problem most movies have. The first, third and fourth acts almost put me to sleep while the second was almost riviting. Almost.

What was most interesting were the protesters outside. I had small conversations wtih them. I wish I had a tape recorder. My favorite exchange went something like this:


Me: So, you want me to denounce the book because of the author’s poor understanding of history, self-serving manipulation of events, and contrived plot?

Them: Yes.

Me: Okay. I’ll do that. Now, can we apply the same standards to the Bible?

Them: No, because the Bible was written by God.

Me: I see…


You can imagine where it went from there.

I can only type for a moment for the pain in my back.

I went to the hospital yesterday after I spend two hours on the floor in pain. My bad back. The sneeze is what finally got me to dial 911. My screams reached a neighbor and they got the owner of my apartment complex.

I’m currently on two different pain killers. I will be on my back all weekend. And now, if you’ll forgive me, sitting in this position is too much pain. I must return to my back.


Every religion needs heresy. Without heresy, a religion dries up and dies. Christianity has had many heresies (including Mormonism, which, I believe, is one of the neatest and most creative heresies), but nothing really in the last hundred years or so.

Tomorrow, The DaVinci Code will deliver a whopper of a heresy down on the heads of comfortable Christians. But this little heresy is not little at all. It is the first mass media driven heresy in mankind’s history. Most heresies are passed on by word of mouth, but this one’s got all the power of Hollywood behind it. And no matter what the critics say (and they’re saying a lot already), my prediction is this little heresy is gonna knock the socks off Christianity.

But that’s just me.

Congress Solves Immigration Problem

Their solution? They’re going to start penalize employers who hire illegal immigrants. It’s a cheap solution that requires little or no tax payer money and actually earns the government an income, thereby reducing the taxes neccesary to get us out of the trillion dollar deficit.

Sorry. I’m lying.

They’re going to build a 370 mile fence.

Maybe they should ask the French about the Maginot Line.


There is no such thing as a germ.

“Germ” is a term (woo! I’m a poet!) people use in reference to bacteria and viruses. It’s a marketing term ad agencies use so they can be vague about what their product does. Does it kill viruses or bacteria? Ahah! Dodge that question! It kills “germs!”

The problem, of course, is that viruses and bacteria are very different and are not suseptable to the same treatments. Therefore, when you see a product that “kills germs!”, you should be highly dubious of its claims.


There is no such thing as a Christian.

“Christian” is a term (woo! um… nevermind) people use in reference to their religious faith of choice. It’s a marketing term religions use so they can isolate themselves from others who claim to believe the same thing. This brings on the “real Christian” song and dance I see so many times. “Catholics aren’t real Christians. Mormons aren’t real Christians.” All that nonsense.

The problem, of course, is that all Christians are very different, believe in different things, and all claim to be the “true Christianity.” I’ve got news for you, folks. The “true” Christians died a long time ago. They were all wiped out by the fledgling Catholic Church in the 5th Century CE. The Pope declared a bunch of crusades on the Christian sects who didn’t agree with the Catholic interpretation of the Bible and now, they’re all gone.

Wiped them out like germs.

So, if you see a person who calls themselves a “true Christian,” you should be highly dubious of its–I mean “their”–claims.