New Look…

Check out the Brewery’s new look.

A few things are still getting fixed, but GAWD DAMM!, it looks hot.

And it’s all because of memento_mori. Thanks Jared!


Also, there’s this:

A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! Los Angeles , CA - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap! Carlisle, Iowa - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! Toronto, Ontario, Canada - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap! A Portal to another MindMap! Buffalo, New York California Nuremberg, Germany Derry, New Hampshire Chicago Renton, Washington Los Angeles , CA



One of the quotes of the night:

Love destroys everything that sex is for.

More later.

This Will Piss You Off

At 4:00 PM EST, The Infidel Guy will be showing the documentary, The God Who Wasn’t There on his website. It’s a documentary about Jesus, the Bible, and many of the assumptions we have about both subjects.

Fair Warning: This documentary will make you mad. It made me mad. It made crapdaddy mad. Okay, that’s not true; crapdaddy got mad listening to the director on the radio. But, if he saw it, it would make him mad.

I understand if you don’t want to watch it, but I reccommend you do, for no other reason than it will smash many of the assumptions you have about the Bible and the history of Christianity. One of my favorite scholars, Bob Price, has a ten minute rant about “Biblical scholars” who actually know absolutely nothing about the Bible and the time period the Bible was written.

While I don’t agree with everything in the movie, or even with the directorial style and some of the tone (which I find too aggressive), there is a lot of informaion I’ve used to do my own research. Think of it as GURPS: Bible Scholar. It isn’t the final source on the subject, but it’s a great place to start.

The Great Divider

(a tip of the hat to )

Our President, Mr. Bush, said this morning:

“I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English, and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English.”

Well, Mr. President, I agree. Let’s start with you.

Ten Things

According to madmoses, I have to come up with ten things related to me that begin with the letter “L.”

Leave a comment and I’ll give you a letter.

Here they are.

I love live action roleplaying. I hate playing with people who are not my friends. This leaves me with the innevitable conclusion that I must run a troupe game. Unfortunately, most of the people I play with play because they like “the global game.” I, on the other hand, hate playing with people who are not my friends. Adding more people to the mix–re: “the global game”–means I have to play with jerks, cheaters, and losers who can directly affect my character and my friends’ characters.

I’ll just have to run a troupe game. Or, maybe, design my own “global game.”

So, I got really drunk last night with my sister and her husband.  More drunk that I usually get. Oh, hell, who am I fooling? I never get drunk. And, of couse, that means I wandered by my compuer, saw that it was on, saw a LJ window open and said to myself, “This is the only opportunity I will ever have to write a ‘drunk post.'” So, I sat down and did it.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I’m a sucker for etymology. Slang is my favorite study. Watching our language change over the course of my time here has been a constant source of amazement and entertainment. And, it’s pretty much free.

I want to know everything
I want to be everywhere
I want to fuck everyone in the world
I want to do something that matters
nine inch nails

You have the heart of an angel and you dance like the devil.
See you in August.

I do not understand any sentence that begins with the words “I don’t want to learn…”

When I was fifteen, I wanted to be him.
And, in some ways, I still do.

She taught me how to revere Bear. I’m lucky to be part of her life.

“John, have you been born again?”
“Yes. In Los Angeles, on La Brea Avenue, at Pink’s.”

Harlan Ellison calls himself a “paid liar.” I’ve been a liar most of my life. I mistook lies for trickery.
I don’t make that mistake anymore.

Things that I’ve loved
Things that I’ve lost
Things I held sacred that I dropped
I won’t lie no more you can bet
I don’t want to learn what I need to forget
— Audioslave

This will not happen often. My sister was just here. . Her and her husband. I kissed him and said, “Thank you for making my sister happy.”

I am drunk.

I miss her more than I have the capacity to say.

And right now, I love you. It does not matter who you are. I love you.

Socrates said something about alcohol and philosphy. About being drunk and the tongue being loosened and about true philosophy.

Tonight, I discovered something.

I love you. And I am drunk. Which gives me the courage to say so.

Everyone on my friends list. I love you all. Tears in my eyes and I miss my sister. And I love you.

I will regret this later. I know that. But right now, my love is more powerful than my regret.

I am dying. And you, too. And love is too important to waste.

You know. You know to whom I am speaking. More than anything else, it is important–as I type with my eyes closed–that you know that I love you.

I am going to bed now. This is my drunk post. I t mus remain here as testamony.

I would do anything for you. Anything. All you need do is ask.

I love you. Good night.

My buddy Rob does not internet. He hates e-mail. He fully subscribes to the “arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics.” Thus, I can put this t-shirt (thanks to joshwasta) up here. Anyone who knows Rob knows that he needs this for his birthday.

I might buy him two.