Cam Thoughts

After commenting in ‘s journal about Master level PCs, I gave some thought about my desire to play an Architect of the Monolith. There are many reasons why I don’t.

1) They aren’t Masons.
They’re more like Masons as written by someone who doesn’t know a thing about Masonry. Their founder is a woman (yikes!) and they don’t even fit the conspiracy theory version of the fraternity. At its heart, Masonry is about making good men better by casting off dogmatic thought, prejudices, and “breaking off all the vices and superfluities of life.” Even as an evil, twisted version of the fraternity, the Architects really don’t fit. If the author knew anything about Masonry, he could have written a very dark version of the fraternity, but instead, he just made stuff up. Bleh.

2) The Ventrue suck.
Sorry, but it’s true. The Ventrue have the worst Clan disadvantage, the worst Discipline set, and the weakest concept. They just suck. There’s no way getting around it.

3) Clipping the Wings off Gilded Cage.
The Discipline for the bloodline isn’t a Discipline at all, but a blood magic (which is strictly forbidden in the V:tR guidelines for creating your own bloodline). What’s worse, it’s been sliced, diced and fried–you can only use it as between-game actions. Yeuch.

Anyway, these are the reasons I haven’t felt compelled to write up an Architect of the Monolith. I read the books I needed for research (Valley Forge, Revolutionary War, etc.), have the idea firmly in mind… but he doesn’t fit the clan or bloodline at all. I have to make serious stretches to make him fit.

I guess I’ll just wait for the Carthian book to come out and just say my guy is a Mason… and get killed for the misunderstanding. 😀

“The Nicest Atheist”

I’m not an atheist, I’m an omnitheist, but the guys at Way of the Master radio tagged me as one.

Go check me out on their radio show. The guy ahead of me got them so frustrated they started yelling at him. I guess I was a breath of fresh air. Then again, I really didn’t get a chance to get going…

“So, which translation of God’s infallible message do you use?”

(Start listening right around the 44 minute mark. There’s some really scary language there just before I came on board.)

Way of the Mastah! Part 2

I was just on the Way of the Master show. I was on for about fifteen minutes before they ran out of time. (a buddy tells me they didn’t run out time but “got scared.” I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.) I’ll post a link as soon as they put one up.

It was fun. 😀

Unchained!!! (and “I’m not alone!”)

So, I was on Unchained Radio last night. Pastor Gene Cook lives in San Diego. He’s a reformed Baptist. (I think that’s right.) Someone put up a link to one of his shows and I took a listen. Pastor Gene was making a few claims that made me laugh, so I had to call in and ask him a few questions.

I stayed on a lot longer than I thought he would let me stay on.

Anyway, I show up at the one hour-eight minute mark (1:08:10, or thereabouts). Give it a listen. I had a great time, but I think Pastor Gene was rather upset at me.

PS: I was very polite and respectful. No “The Wick” to be seen.


Also, there’s this.

I’ve been calling myself an omnitheist for years. I never knew there were more of us. 🙂

Way of the Mastah!

Okay, I know it’s still April, and I know how fishy this sounds, but bear with me.

I’m gonna be on The Way of the Master radio program.

No joke. I mean it! Stop laughing!

They came on a forum I populate and regularly comment on and were looking for “educated guests.” Well, I guess I qualified.

This is gonna be tricky. I mean, I’m an not technically an atheist; I’m a Discordian omnitheist. And when asked to nail down what I exactly believe, I invoke Walt “I am large, I contain multitudes” Whitman and Spinoza’s God.*

However, I was currently calling myself a “spiritual atheist,” a term I like because it invokes a reaction. I don’t think it’s entirely correct–at least not all the time–but then again…

Anyway, I’ve listened to the program before and I know the drill. And, in the end, everybody is an atheist about something.


*To be clear, the spiritual truth that hits me harder than anything else is the understanding that everything is God. Something has been talking about for the last year or so.

The Nine (Ten) (or Maybe Eleven) Best Movies Ever Made

Big Trouble in Little China
The Big Lebowski
Twelve Monkeys
Fight Club
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
The Sting
Conan: The Barbarian
A Fistful of Dollars and Yojimbo
This is Spinal Tap
Mulholland Drive

Other than BTiLC being The Best Movie Ever Made, the rest are in no particular order; the measure of their greatness is too close to call.

You may disagree. You’ll be wrong.

The Big Lebowski may very well be the Second Best Movie Ever Made. I’m still debating.


Jared, the only reason your boy didn’t make the list is because he’ll be on your list.