Track List (Updated)

  1. Discordian Double Agent
  2. Seal Section 4
  3. Sun Storms
  4. Incident at Devil’s Reef
  5. Chase Scene
  6. A Winter Garden (No More Roses, Part 1)
  7. Schauermarchen
  8. Space Cowboy
  9. Dixon Mason
  10. Arena
  11. Talia’s Dance
  12. Third Act (Slow Reveal)
  13. Widenet YT (Go Robot Go)
  14. Jack Savage
  15. Shot into the Sun
  16. Blooded of the Fox (No More Roses, Part 2)

50 minutes of music. More on the way.

Houses of the Blooded: Love and Revenge

“Holding my heart.”

The word vrentae is best translated as “obsession,” although the literal meaning is “holding my heart.” Depending on the accentuation, the word has two connotations. The first is “love.” The second is “revenge.” If the first syllable is accented—vren-tay—it means “love.” If the second syllable is accented—vren-tay—it means “revenge.”

In the minds and hearts of the ven, these two things are nearly identical.

First, let us explore “revenge.”

The concept of war, as we understand it, is completely alien to the ven for many reasons. First among them is resources. While the ven are not a culture of scarcity, there is not enough dry land to support a standing army. The ven did inherit the ideas of warfare from the aelva danna, but it is no longer considered a practical method of resolving dispute. The ven adapted and evolved, developing a style of warfare that fit their circumstances.

Unable to wage war on a large scale, the ven have mastered waging war on a small scale. The most common way to settle a dispute is private duel. One-on-one combat. The two combatants agree on terms through a disinterested third party, meet at a predetermined time, select weapons, then ceremoniously try to kill each other. The winner is considered “correct” in the dispute.

However, despite all of this formal combat, deaths occur outside the parameters of legal duel all the time. We would call this “murder.” The ven call it uvanla: “a moment of opportunity.” When a ven is killed outside the scope of legal murder, the relatives of the deceased are obliged to call vrentae. The process for calling vrentae is complicated and must follow the correct procedure. If it is not correctly followed, the vrentae is not considered “official” and may carry dire consequences.

When a ven calls for vrentae, he marks himself in a distinct manner—usually with the color red—and is considered immune to almost all other procedures and bureaucracy. No other matter is more important than avenging the wrongful death of a relative. He is considered free of sin until the vrentae is carried out. However, if he fails to carry out the vrentae in the proper amount of time, or does not carry it out in the proper fashion, his reputation will be severely damaged. More on duels and formal combat can be found in a later chapter.

And now, let us talk about the other side of vrentae. Let us talk about “love.”

While many have translated vrentae as “love,” it is not a fully correct translation. “Romantic love” is closer, but still not completely correct. The ven do not view love as eternal, nor do they understand the concept of a “soul mate.” Marriage does exist in ven culture, but as a bargaining chip for settling land disputes, inheritance and for making heirs. All of this is rather cold, but vrentae is anything but. It is hot. It is the passion that drives men and women mad. As one ven poet wrote, “It is the sickness for which the only cure is the cause.”

For the ven, vrentae is a cause for poetry, for song and for story. It makes us unwise, drives us to tragedy, and blinds our reason. This is vrentae. And, just as those who are driven by revenge wear a color to distinguish themselves, so do those who have fallen under the mad spell of love. While wearing such a distinction, a man or woman may expect a bit more tolerance from those who understand the sickness of love. Those under its sway act madly and do foolish things. They cannot be held responsible for what they do: they are in love!

But love, like revenge, does not last. It fades like the seasons. Eventually, an affair grows cold and becomes like the marriage the lovers fled from. Marriages last forever, but affairs come and go. This is the way of love: powerful but fickle, passionate but passing. And while it may make us mad for a time, we cannot be fools forever.

Houses of the Blooded: The Ven

This chapter details the ven and their culture, giving you an idea of what it is like to live in the courts of Shanri, under the shadow of the Houses. I have taken this information from various ven documents, translating them as faithfully as possible.

Translating this text from the original ven has proven difficult for a few reasons. The ven often sacrifice grammar for poetry, a stylistic choice many readers find confusing and disorienting. Also, simple ven words often carry immense meanings, depending on the context. While translating these documents, I have found one small fact most useful in illustrating this curiousity.

The ven have only one word for both “love” and “revenge.”

That should be enough to get you started.

Ven society is rife with contradictions. On one hand, they espouse virtue and chivalry, but on the other, they practice deceit and treachery. They are ruthless, yet deeply religious. They love with all their hearts and hate with equal passion. They are a complicated people, easy to misunderstand, but I have done my best to present them here as accurately and fairly as possible.

To explain the world around them, the ven use a sophisticated and nuanced language, reflecting their complicated culture. Like most languages, ven words and phrases have deep history, often explaining the context of seemingly simple turns of phrase as what they truly are: the keystones to ven philosophy.

Instead of presenting a long, dry diatribe on ven culture, I’ve organized a series of phrases and words key to understanding the ven and their world. I believe the best way to understand a foreign people is by understanding their language. For example, you could illustrate much about American culture just by giving a lengthy description of the various meanings and usages of the word “cool.”

The words and phrases listed below are not in alphabetical order, but instead, in contextual order. Starting at the beginning—with aelva danna de nuru—you will begin to see the world through their eyes, hopefully giving you a living understanding of their complicated and amazing culture.

“The wicked ones are only sleeping.”

The history of the ven is tied into the demise of Shanri’s previous masters: the mysterious aelva danna (aelva meaning “wizard” or “sorcerer” and danna meaning “ruler”). Aelva danna can also be translated as “the wicked ones,” and is sometimes used as a pejorative against those who study the forbidden art of blood sorcery. These “sorcerer-kings” ruled Shanri for… well, no ven knows for certain how long they ruled Shanri. For all the ven know, the aelva danna have always been. And for all they know, they will return again one day to rule again.

Before the ven had a culture of their own, these sorcerer-kings ruled Shanri. The ven were nothing more than a servant race, created by sorcery to fulfill specific roles. The ven were soldiers, servants, and lovers—all tailor-made to task. And they served the sorcerer-kings as the aelva danna made unspeakable war upon each other on an unimaginable scale. Using vast armies and eldritch sorcery, the sorcerer-kings almost destroyed the world, but instead, destroyed themselves. What they left behind was a shattered remnant of the world they created.

The servitor race called dug themselves up and out of the rubble. The world they found was nothing like the world they knew. At long last, they were free from the aelva danna, free from magical slavery, free to make their own destiny, but the world they found was dangerous and deadly.

The Shanri of today looks completely different from the world of the sorcerer-kings. During their time, the land was rich and plentiful, a vast pangaea full of life and wonder. Now, the world is shattered, torn and mutated by sorcerous warfare. All that remains is a spiraling chain of archipelagos filled with mutant flora and fauna: the remains of sorcerous experiments, some of which went horribly awry.

Since then, the ven have reconstructed the world around them, although vast tracks of unexplored wilderness remain. The ven live in the ruins left behind by the sorcerer-kings: incredible mansions and castles kept standing by a fading sorcery. On the outskirts of civilization, the beasts bred during the wars lurk in the shadows. And the ven whisper that perhaps the aelva danna are not dead at all, but merely sleeping, trapped in magics to great for them to break. Perhaps one day, the sorcerer-kings will return, enslaving the ven once again.


Fate and Chance

It is said that the sisters Fate and Chance, at the beginning of the world, threw dice to see who would direct the lives of the ven.

Fate knew the outcome, but Chance got to roll the dice.

* * *

(The system below uses d6 pools. Read it. Tell me what you think.)

You must choose whether your character is directed by Fate or Chance. Either way, you will receive (X) Fate or Chance points at the beginning of each game. Players spend Fate and Chance points in different ways.

You may spend a Fate Point to turn two of your dice into “4s.”

You may spend a Chance Point to re-roll two of your dice.

Other mechanics in the game use Fate and Chance Points, but use them in the same way. In other words, the mechanics say “You must spend a F or C Point.” You’ll find them as we go through the book.

General Update

I’ve been rather quiet on personal matters lately. For good reason. A lot of people have asked, so let me just give a general update.

Yes, I am sick. Not *cough cough* but something very serious. I’m on two different medications, plus I got a prescription for Prozac. I also have two herniated discs in my back. For that, I have pain killers. Pain killers + Prozac = not much fun. I’m a happy drunk. I’m a lot less happy druggie.

I quit my job as apartment manager with another apartment manager job lined up. That job fell through at the last moment, leaving me unemployed and without a home. I’m crashing on Cowboy Ron’s couch for the time being. Not exactly the best thing in the world for my back (or my state of mind), but friendly charity goes a long way to restoring my faith in humanity.

As for cash, etc.: my month of unemployment (while Office Team Temp Agency found me a job) was hurtful on the bank roll. I ran out of cash. I was already short due to the blatant lies my previous employer told me about raises and being without a job for a month didn’t help. I fell way behind on everything. I couldn’t afford car payments, insurance, my medication, my credit cards, gas, my phone, or anything else. December and January were cold months in more ways than one.

Needless to say, massive depression, no space of my own and mounting debt are not beneficial to the creative process. Writing has suffered. Because I’ve recently started temping again, the writing has started again. My own little space with tiny little jobs that take me 1/10th of the time they expect gives me all the time in the world to sit down with a legal pad and just write. Transcription when I get home. 7,000 words in two days. Just like old times.

I’ve been talking a lot about moving out of Los Angeles. Yeah, I’m 99% certain I’ll be doing that. I have to talk to a few more people before I make the final decision, but it looks like I’ll be leaving, at least for a while, in two months.

As for the impact on things like The Awful Lot… I still have to talk to the rest of the band. We’ll see.


Yeah. Doom calls me a dolt. I deserve it.

Jared pointed out to me a thread about us over at I’ve heard people call it “Gaming’s Answer to Rush Limbaugh.” I figured that was just a bunch of hyperbole and went over to see what was going on.

Jared pointed me at this thread.

I stopped in, made a few comments (I show up on page 10, I think) and quickly smelled what the site was cooking. I excused myself quickly and politely. I have not been back.

My recommendation? It wasn’t hyperbole. It’s without moderators. And I’ll not be going back.

Medicare Hot Air

Can the Democrats’ bill bring lower drug prices? Don’t count on it.

January 17, 2007 


Democrats are overselling their Medicare prescription drug bill. They claim it will bring about big price cuts for medication while Medicare experts say it won’t. Republicans have been equally misleading, describing the bill as a system of severe price controls, which it isn’t.

The fact is that the bill would do little more than require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to talk to drug companies about granting discounts. It specifically denies him the bargaining leverage of paying only for some drugs and not others.


The fire burning in the engine of the internet is cowardly, pointless, misinformed, anonymous annoyance.