699 Years Ago…

… Jacque de Molay was arrested for crimes of heresy.

He and his fellow Templars were set up by the King of France and the Pope because of greed, jealousy and fear.

But, the night before the betrayal took place, the Last Grand Master gathered together thirty of his most trusted knights, gave them a locked box, and told them to ride forth into the night and to not look back.

What happened to those thirty knights has always been a mystery… until now.

In celebration of this historical event, for today and only today, I am making a special Wicked Offer. Order a .pdf or hard copy of Thirty: A Little Game about a Big Secret and you will receive a free .pdf of any other John Wick game at the Brewery.

For centuries, historians have speculated… where did they go? And what was the treasure Jacque de Molay gave them?
Now, you can find out.

NaNoWriMo: The Book of Whispered Psalms

One of the books I’m considering working on–the one that would take the most work–is something along the lines of what Tanith Lee did with her Flat Earth books. (Something else I owe to noltain.)

The Book of Whispered Psalms is a collection of interwoven stories about the men and women of a Temple devoted to the Goddess of Erotic Love. A fantasy novel, of course, but one that would deal openly and frankly with sexual politics.

The High Priestess of the Temple, Alenja Valcroix (I flipped a coin for gender… honest!), is not the focus of the novel, but she is an almost omni-present character. Given the nature of such a place, stories revolve around her rather than directly involve her. Think of the way Gaiman handled Dream in his Sandman stories and you get the picture.

Stories about the clients, the priests and priestesses, jealousy, bigotry, hatred, rival temples, assassins, politics, poison, intrigue, bribery, murder… and, of course, sex.

This is my most challenging choice. There is no direct, linear plot, but a collection of smaller plots that must fit together. I did this with No Loyal Knight, and while it was fun, it was also a chore. (It also involved a lot of inserting small clues in the earlier stories once I discovered something in a later story. For example, having Pearl pop up in Dead Friends didn’t occur until after I began writing Shinju.)

I have a few characters in mind, a bit of a plot, and a twist that I like very much. This is Option #1.

NaNoWriMo Planning, Part 2

I want something easy and fun. My usual writing project involves a lot of research, planning, and work. Not this time. This time, I want something fun.

I pulled down a bunch of books that I had fun reading and looked fun to write. I also wanted t do an obvious pastiche. Something that would be recognizable as “Oh, John is doing that.” I don’t intend this to be a very serious novel, but something that could be read over a weekend.

As examples of what I wanted to write, I took a few books off my shelf and had them in front of me. I had Richard Stark, H.P. Lovecraft, and Tanith Lee. These were the big contenders.

For Stark, writing something dark, gritty and full of pulp seemed the choice. That alone would be fun, but how to make it distinctly mine? I’ve had an idea for a long time on this one: writing a Richard Stark novel in a sword & sorcery setting. Not fantasy, but sword and fuckin’ sorcery. Elric without the whining. Conan with brains. Something along those lines. The Parker character is so much fun to read and, I’m told, a helluva lot of fun to write. Creating a Parker-esque character in that kind of setting would be so different than anything else I see on the market right now. It would be about 50,000 words (the right word count) and just wicked and mean. A sword & sorcery caper. Yeah, that would rock.

For Lovecraft, I’d be trying to add something to the mythos that was distinctly me. And distinctly modern. One of the problems I find with a lot of the modern Lovecraftians is that they’re still hooked on “the universe is big” being scary. It isn’t scary anymore. It was in the ’20’s, but not anymore. We know the universe is big. Not scary. Lovecraft’s intention wasn’t to demonstrate that the universe is big, cold, and uncaring. That wasn’t his intention. The horror comes from coming to the understanding that we are very, very small. Hitting his reader with that particular hammer was Lovecraft’s intention. So, how to do that to a modern audience? That’s the rub. If I tackle this project, I have a plan to do it.

For Tanith Lee, I’d want to write a pillow book. A collection of very scary and very erotic stories that link together like Arabian Nights. I’ve dabbled in this particular course before, but this one would take the most work. I can write con men and I can write Cthulhu, but writing erotica is damn challenging. Like horror, erotica straddles a line. Go too far and it’s just silly. Don’t go far enough, and the reader just gets bored. And so, if I choose this course of action, it’ll be the most challenging… which is a temptation all in itself.

Those are the three I’m debating right now. I have a favorite, but I’m keeping that to myself for the moment.

NaNoWriMo Planning

I’m looking over my bookshelf, thinking about what kind of book I want to write for November. A good book is like a good friend. You meet for the first time, there’s the rush of novelty (pun apology), the immediate enthusiasm of finding a new personality you mesh with so easily.

Your relationship lasts until the last page is turned. Then, suddenly, it’s over. The book goes back on the shelf… patiently waiting for you to remember that friendship.

I found one of those friends tonight. Going through my shelves, it was sitting on top of something else, half-fallen behind the others. I picked it up, held it in my hands for a moment… and for no reason at all, I began to cry.

Like finding a forgotten friend from childhood, I held the book close to me. I opened to my favorite chapter and began reading, remembering the joy, fear, sadness, and triumph this friend had given me.

It was because of that I first read this book. For that, and many other things, I owe her so much.

(The devestating line: “Hazel… I’ve come to ask you to join my owsla…”)


Inspired by[info]amanofhats,  I will be participating in the National Novel Writing Month event. I will be posting my daily writing output here in my LJ (under Friends Only, of course).

You have been warned.

I’m debating the subject matter. Any suggestions are welcome. (Just don’t be sad if I don’t use yours.) 😉


Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, sat on the board of a company which three years ago sold two light water nuclear reactors to North Korea – a country he now regards as part of the “axis of evil” and which has been targeted for regime change by Washington because of its efforts to build nuclear weapons.

(read more.)

For perspective:

2000: Rumsfeld is a director of a company which wins $200m contract to sell nuclear reactors to North Korea
2002: Rumself declares North Korea a terrorist state, part of the axis of evil and a target for regime change

Twenty-nine ads and counting feature the claim with varying levels of truth and distortion.

(from FactCheck.org)


Republicans are tagging Democratic opponents across the country for wanting to “give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.” But nobody’s proposing paying benefits to illegals, not until and unless they become US citizens.*

(*emphasis mine)

The charge is a mischaracterization of part of the immigration bill that passed  the Senate last May with a healthy bi-partisan majority, 62-36. Among hundreds of provisions in the bill is one that would allow naturalized immigrants to count taxes paid while they were still illegal towards their Social Security accounts â€“ if and when they become citizens.

The measure has become a popular campaign issue for Republicans, particularly incumbent House members who raise it against their Democratic challengers. We have counted 29 GOP ads attacking Democrats with various versions of this misleading claim. Similar misconceptions about the measure were spread as part of a chain e-mail last spring and summer. 

Along with this latest swarm of ads comes some related mischaracterizations, including a claim that the Senate plan “pays foreign workers more than Americans.” The Senate bill does have provisions to ensure that guest workers are paid no less than Americans. But no guest worker could be hired if a US citizen accepted the job.

(Read the entire article here.)


I was in Albany, Georgia. Seventh grade. My best friend was black. My second year in Albany, I quickly found out the only thing worse than a nigger was a nigger-lover. That was me. From above the Mason-Dixon line, I was the cause of everybody’s problems.

I got into a lot of fights. I didn’t start any of them.

I learned to love the blues from my best friend’s grandfather. He sat on the back porch and played an old guitar and an even older harmonica. I began learning the rudaments of rhythm and my first drum set would show up within a year.

And in 1981, I fell in love with Pat Benatar. I’ve never recovered.