Enough is Fucking Enough

Ann Coulter calls New Yorkers “cowards.”


The same New Yorkers who ran into the crumbling World Trade Center to rescue lives. The same New Yorkers who banded together in the wake of tragedy. The same New Yorkers…

Jesus. I can’t believe I’m saying this.

In case you missed it, Ann Coulter has called New Yorkers “cowards.”

Again, Ann Coulter called New Yorkers “cowards.”


And the best part? She didn’t even have the courage to admit it when she got called on it.

Don’t believe me? Watch for yourself.

Cap’n Pratt and the Good Ship Roadshow

Avast, ye land lubbers! Neil Peart be talkin’ ’bout his new book, Roadshow: Landscape with Drums.

In the interview, he be talkin’ about traveling through the Americas, all the towns he did visit, all the people he did meet, and all the drummer jokes he did collect. He also be talkin’ about all the church signs he did see: some o’ them funny, some o’ them enfuriatin’, and how religion will be influencin’ the next Rush album.

Ya can hear it here.

“Good faith is an armor, bad faith is a sword.” Amen, brother.

More Unrelated Matters

If’n ya dinna get a chance ta see th’ new Sorkin/Schlamme show, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, ya can see it here. Fer me shipmates what dunna understand why I canna abide The Cult o’ Dumb, I’m hopin’ tha’ watchin’ that there bit o’ drama will clear yer lookin’ glasses a wee bit.

And while we be talkin’ about stupifyin’ matters, let’s take a gander o’er at what the Americas be doin’ with their “rightful power.” Ya see, looks like Admiral Bush (said with the same kinda tone ol’ Khan was speakin’ “Admiral Kirk’s” name) is plannin’ on havin’ himself another war. Because, ya know, fightin’ two o’ ’em ain’t enough.

E’en more like a broadside ta me brain is the Canadian fella who were captured and tortured justa see if he were a terrorist. Captured and tortured without evidence, captured and tortured justa see. Ya can reads about it here.

In th’ days o’ yore, on pirate ships, captains and their officers were voted upon by the crew based on their ability ta lead.

I’m thinkin’ votin’ ain’t enough no more. Time for some good old fashioned mutiny.

(a tip o’ th’ hat ta talentlessclod) who got me th’ links.

Lotsa Links fer Ye

Aye, bein’ what today be, I see two links fer yer amusement.

Them folks o’er at ANTI- records has put up the first song from Master Waits’ Orphans boxed set. It be called Bottom o’ th’ World.

There’s Blackjack Ruby and Nimrod Caine
The moon’s the color of a coffee stain
There sit Frank and Bernie Joe Hoaks
But who is the King of all of these folks?

I dined last night with Scar Face Ron
On Talapia fish cakes and fried black swan
Razor weed onion and peacock squirrel
And I dreamed all night about a beautiful girl

And I’m lost
I’m lost
I’m lost at the bottom of the world
I’m handcuffed to the bishop
And a barbership line
And I’m lost at the bottom of the world

Meanwhile, there be this from :

You scored as Juliette. You are the most celebrated courtesan in Vodacce, a women equal only to Villanova himself. You have played a dangerous game against Villanova with none other than his wife. You won the first round, but there will be consequences.

Aristide Baveux




El Vago


Bonnie McGee


Jerimiah Berek


Valentina Villanova


General Montegue


Which 7th Sea Hero are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

Although, with a change of answers on two questions, I get this:

You scored as Aristide Baveux. You are the stylish and gallant leader of the Knights of the Rose and Cross. You stand as a living example of what is good, right and honourable in mankind. You are proof that a good sword is not so important as a good heart.

Aristide Baveux


Jerimiah Berek




Bonnie McGee


El Vago


Valentina Villanova


General Montegue


Which 7th Sea Hero are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

Both Berek and the Knights. Excellent. 🙂

Eye been lookin’ for an mp3 o’ the greatest sea shanty e’er writ–THE LAST SHANTY–but alas, me Google skill ha’ failed me. Perhaps another can succeed where I ha’ failed.

(Obviously thwarted by them rapscally ninjas, no doubt!)

Innocent When You Dream

Everyone was talking about 9/11 a few days ago. For me, what I will remember most is on that day, the first true signs that our relationship was over really showed. It was a public tragedy, it was a private tragedy.

I was thinking of the divorce tonight and this song came on my iTunes.
I needed a moment afterward.

I made a golden promise
That we would never part
I gave my love a locket
And then I broke her heart
And then I broke her heart

And it’s such a sad old feeling
The fields are soft and green
It’s memories that I’m stealing
But you’re innocent when you dream
Innocent when you dream

Weekend Update

The battery in my car died. Couldn’t go see the movie I wanted to see, couldn’t deposit checks, couldn’t do anything. Sheldon picked me up, we headed over to The Swamp, and prepared for Saturday.

trekhead‘s Dying Kingdoms game requires your attention.
I’m not joking. You think I’m joking?
I said, Dying Kingdoms requires your attention.


I’m too tired and sore to type any more.
Pictures later.

Practice, Pratice, Practice…

Inspired by The Professor, I’ve taken up a new drum exercise. Mr. Peart does it a bit differently. You can see how he does it in the video clip below.

The exercise starts with triplets. I play triplets with my hands while playing 2/2 with my feet. This was not easy for simple little punk drummer like me to do. It took me about an hour to figure out the basic structure. Then, I start moving the triplets from the snare all over the kit. Again, about an hour.

Then, when I conquered that, I moved on to playing off time all over the kit while maintaining the steady 2/2 with my feet. One for the hi hat, one for the bass, one for the hi hat, one for the bass.

All the while, I’m trying to do off-time stuff with my hands. The exercise helps me break the synchopation I’m stuck with (when my left foot moves, my left wants to move with it) and looks pretty neat… if you know what I’m doing.

It’s one of those things only drummers will understand. But, if you want to see how The Professor does it, check out the video below. Remember: he’s keeping waltz time (3/3) with his feet while playing 7/8 and other times with his hands. Try just keeping up with your feet (boom-pah-pah, boom-pah-pah). Just that. Just try keeping up. Then, remember that he’s keeping 7/8 time in his head as well as the 3/3 time.

Go on. Try it. You’ll never listen to a drummer the same way again.