Fourteen Days…

In fourteen days, I will be raised to the degree of Master Mason.

I propose a party on the following Friday.

Also, if you are able, please make the ceremony. I’d love for you to be there.

The Big O

“There are two kinds of people: Elvis people and Beatles people.”

Ah, but this old chestnut is wrong. There are three kinds of people. Elvis people, Beatles people, and those who revere The Big O.

I grew up listening to my dad’s records (as many of us did). I listened to Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly, and Roy Orbison. Orbison changed music in so many ways. He ditched the entire concept of choruses, his songs slowly building, pausing, building, moving to a dramatic and climactic end. His arrangements, his style… before Cash became The Man in Black, there was The Big O, paving the way for him.

And then, there was his voice. His Voice.
All my life, all I’ve ever wanted was to be as cool as Roy Orbison.

He made it cool to be lonely. He made it cool to cry.


“It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”
— Carl Sagan

“We cannot be critical of what other people believe about (God).”

Take this quote and replace (God) with any other serious study.

“We cannot be critical of what other people believe about (physics).”
“We cannot be critical of what other people believe about (history).”
“We cannot be critical of what other people believe about (chemistry).”
“We cannot be critical of what other people believe about (morality).”


In our culture (and many others), it is taboo to criticise religious belief. We can be critical of people’s politics, but not religion. This is the only element of our lives that gets a bye. Taboo.

Now, I’m not talking about hope. I’m talking about belief.

“I hope I win the lottery.”
“I believe I will win the lottery.”

One of these people will keep his ticket in his pocket and keep his fingers crossed. The other will go out on a spending spree and blow their life savings.

Belief modifies our behavior to such a degree that we ignore the facts surrounding us.

Belief is dangerous. It makes intelligent, educated, well-to-do adults fly airplanes into buildings. It makes intelligent, educated, well-to-do adults believe that protecting “the rights” of a small bundle of a dozen cells too small to see is more important than healing the suffering of a child with Parkinsons. It makes intelligent, educated, well-to-do adults believe that God Himself gave Jerusalem to the Jews. It makes intelligent, educated, well-to-do adults believe the world is only 6,000 years old.

Belief is dangerous.

If you are a person of faith, please consider this question. Does your belief teach you to ignore the world around you? Does it teach you that some people are more important than others? Does it teach you that ignorance is a better option than knowledge?

If so, it is time to be critical of your belief.

Weekend Update

I don’t remember what I did Friday night. Honestly. I have no idea. I know I did something, but I just can’t remember what it was.
If it was with someone, I apologize. I know I didn’t do anything I’d regret… I no longer have regrets.
(I had one. I cured it a few months ago.)

Band practice. We tried out a new bassist. He was energetic, enthusiastic, and contributed. A good sign. He was very excited about the music and seemed eager to try new things. Another good sign. Finally, he’s a gamer. I think it’s official now: every member of the band is a gamer. That’s a damn good sign.

I planned on going to the Los Angeles Camarilla game on Saturday. Unfortunately, it was cancelled and nobody told me. In fact, nobody told the list. (If there’s another list, I’m not on it, and there’s been no notice of cancellation.) I was pissed. Brought Cowboy Ron with me and everything. So, we trucked out to San Bernadoo instead. (fallentryant‘s game was my first choice, but I had an offer in Los Angeles I could not refuse.)

The SB game was fun. Mitch is pimping out his Occult score to keep crapdaddy and I entertained. That goes a long way with me. A long way.

One of my friends is playing (someone who may be) Theda Bara. Out of curiosity, I took a Google Glimpse at Ms. Bara. The resemblence, I must say, is uncanny.

(Needless to say, it’s a shame bad Mr. Black is so busy with geometrical matters.)

I was in a bad mood yesterday. I had reasons, but they aren’t important right now.

I went down to Carson to make a character for Greg’s Epic d20 game.

Yes, you read that right. There are pictures.

I had never seen Epic d20 in action and was curious. I specifically wanted to compare it to Exalted. Greg is a very good GM, but the Exalted system, so far, is in the lead.

I also had a cathardic hour with friends that alleviated the bad mood of the morning. Thank you to Baron, Vach, Rob and Sheldon (the first three will never read this, but I thank them anyway).