Scientists Have Found a Way to “Execute” Cancer Cells

(from the BBC News)

Healthy cells have a built-in process which means they commit suicide if something is wrong, a process which fails in cancer cells.

The University of Illinois team created a synthetic molecule which caused cancer cells to self-destruct.

Cancer experts said the study, in Nature Chemical Biology, offered “exciting possibilities” for new ways of treating the disease.

The next time you hear someone in our government talking about how “science” and “godless scientists” are ruining our country, throw this in their fucking face.

My New Drum Kit

Turns out my new kit isn’t made by Pearl. It’s made by Ludwig.

Guitar Center had a special on the Ludwig Accent CST Fusion Kit. Wine red. Gorgeous. I played them for about ten minutes, tested them out for another twenty, and then looked at the price.

The price is what got me.

Big Fat Thank You to Cowboy Ron for pointing me in this direction.

And now, my kit.

(Real Life picture to follow next week.)

(PS: I’m getting The Yellow Sign put on the bass. Oh yeah.)

Discordia Day

“Sorry for freaking out,” he said.

“You didn’t freak out,” I told him. “You had an emotional moment. That’s okay.”

“I guess so.”

“I have them all the time. The strangest things just set me off.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Sometimes, I’m just sitting and thinking and suddenly, I’m just a wreck.”

“Happens to me, too,” I told him.

“Like what?”

I thought for a moment. Didn’t have a good answer.

I do now.

It was an emotional day. In my youth, Freddie was a force of nature, telling me that shame was stupid, ugly, and dangerous. That I should wear who I am on my shoulder with pride. I remember exactly where I was when I heard he died. For some it was Kennedy, for others, it’s Lennon, and others, it’s Cobain.

For me, it will forever and always be Freddie.

It was an emotional day. But when Annie Lennox and David Bowie got on the stage, my resolve broke, and I wept. Without shame.

Freddie didn’t love everybody… but he loved as many of us as he could.

Discordianism can be silly, nonsensical, and even absurd. But sometimes, it’s powerful enough to pull tears. Watching Annie Lennox in this video, on Discordia’s Day, reminds me of that.

Department of Education Removes Evolutionary Biology Major from “Acceptable Fields of Study”

(from The New York Times)

Evolutionary biology has vanished from the list of acceptable fields of study for recipients of a federal education grant for low-income college students.

The omission is inadvertent, said Katherine McLane, a spokeswoman for the Department of Education, which administers the grants. “There is no explanation for it being left off the list,” Ms. McLane said. “It has always been an eligible major.”

Another spokeswoman, Samara Yudof, said evolutionary biology would be restored to the list, but as of last night it was still missing.

(The article was posted yesterday. As of today, it is still missing.)

Pluto No Longer a Planet

Check it out.

Of course, this puts a crimp in all those astrological charts. Not that a whole host of crimps were already there. This just adds one.

The symbolic demoting of Pluto will be discussed later today on lordstrange.

PS Edit:  I like the over-reaction. I think it puts a proper focus on the fact that our culture is more concerned about whether or not Pluto is a planet than the fact that our government is corrupt, nepitistic, and dishonest. Looks like the Illuminati are doing their job.

The Witch in Apartment 113

The door opens and she’s standing on the other side of it, looking like she just stepped off an album cover. “My kitchen light is burned out,” she tells me. “Can you fix it?”

I tell her I can fix it, but it’ll take a minute. I have to get the correct lights from storage. She says, “I’ll be in my apartment.”

“Which one is that?” I ask her.

“One thirteen,” she says.

A few minutes later, I have the step ladder and two boxes of lights. I’m knocking on her door and from inside, I hear her tell me that it’s open. I put the lights under my elbow and one of them slips out of the box, smashing against the pavement.

“Hold on,” I told her. “I’ll get my broom and dustpan.”

Sweep. Sweep. Sweep. I’m done.

I get into the apartment, except this isn’t her apartment, it’s like a time machine to Stevie Nicks’ apartment circa 1979. She points at the dark kitchen. “The light is out,” she tells me.

She has rows and rows of herbs, most of them with hand-made labels. I set down the step ladder, grab my Phillips and unscrew the fixture. I’m almost done when it falls right out of my hands, crashing against the tiled floor.

Again, the broom and dustpan.

Sweep. Sweep. Sweep.

I go to remove the first light, but then I stop. “Is this turned off?” I ask her.

“Yes,” she says.

I look over at the lightswitch by the door. “Um,” I say.

“Oh!” she rushes over and switches it off. “Sorry.”

I remove the light and put it on the countertop. As I do, something odd happens. The light–circular and flourescent–leaps out of my fingers, twists three times and smashes on the countertop, sending fragments of glass to the floor.

“That’s so weird,” she tells me.

“Yeah,” I say.

Sweep. Sweep. Sweep.

Now, I get the new light and start fitting it into the fixture. It’s supposed to fit, but the fixture is old. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ll need to replace the entire fix


the whole thing explodes in my hands. I’m looking up, right at it. I’m lucky I’m wearing glasses.

“Are you all right?” she asks me.

I shake my head. “I think I should do this tomorrow,” I tell her.

She nods. “I think so.”

I go to get my broom, but she stops me. “I’ll sweep it up,” she says. “And I’m sorry this went so wrong.”

“It’s not your fault,” I tell her. “It’s just an odd day, that’s all.”

“The twenty-second,” she says.

“Twenty-two major arcana in the Tarot deck,” I say.

“The twenty-second being The Universe,” she tells me. She points at my alchemical cross. “I like that,” she says.

“Thanks,” I tell her. I grab my step ladder, dustbin and broom. “You have a broom to sweep this up?” I ask her.

She raises an eyebrow at me. Then, what she says next she says in exactly the way you’d think she say it.

“Yes,” she says. “I have a broom.”


Main Entry: cel·i·ba·cy
Pronunciation: 'se-l&-b&-sE
Function: noun
1 : the state of not being married
2 a : abstention from sexual intercourse b : abstention by vow from marriage


I’ve gotten more than a few questions about this, so here’s the explanation.

My current activities include:

  • Apartment Manager
  • Writing a second novel
  • Writing a new BIG roleplaying game
  • Running a small business
  • Writing a second screenplay
  • Trying to get my first screenplay sold
  • Playing drums in The Awful Lot
  • Being the best friend I can

That’s a lot to do, and, frankly, there really is no room for a significant other in there. Even more frankly: the reason I can accomplish all of this is because I do not have a significant other.

When I’m in a relationship, I devote a lot of time to it. I think of cool things to do. I organize surprises, buy gifts, the whole nine yards. I don’t take it lightly. In fact, I don’t take anything lightly. (Except being a Discordian, which requires I take everything both lightly and heavily and don’t even ask me to explain that.)

I once called myself “a method writer.” It’s true. I embrace the subject I’m writing about like a dagger through my heart, right up to the hilt. I’d push it further if I could. Maybe I should take that damn hilt off. Nah, that’s there so I can pull it back out again. Otherwise, it’d stay there forever.

Now, a few have asked me, “How about casual sex?” (Strange: the only ones who have asked me this are women. No man has asked me this question yet. Although, I’m certain some smart ass will jump up and ask it now. Smart ass.)

Nah, the casual thing never did it for me. Like most things in my life–and especially now with this “magic” thing–I’m obsessed with meaning. Doing something for the sake of doing it, like sex, is pretty empty of meaning. Context is important. Without it, the whole situation is just what Campbell called, “a yearning of the loins for each other.” And while that can be fun, my current attitude about life, the universe, and everything (which can be found over at lordstrange) doesn’t really subscribe to meaningless actions of random happenstance.

If I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it for a reason. Not just because I want to, but because it adds meaning to my life. (See here for a better explanation.)

So, in a nutshell, that’s why I’m staying on the sex wagon. (That sounds awful. Yuch.) Not that I haven’t had opportunities, but for now, I’m content to re-channel all that sexual energy into my writing, my band, my game design, etc. It’s working so far.

(By the way, did I mention I also want to write a gospel? Like, a real gospel. Like, the ones you find in, you know, The Bible. I also want to do a new edition of the Principia Discordia. Oh, and there’s this side band project Sheldon and I have been joking about. And there’s also this other thing that I can’t quite talk about yet because it involves other people. And there’s sky diving. I haven’t tried that yet…)