Countdown to “Reinforce the Racial Stereotype Day”

The Fool once told me, “It’s celebrating Christianity chasing the ‘snakes’ out of Ireland.”
Unfoman told me, “If just your grandfather was Irish, that makes you only a quarter Irish.”
Certain parts of my family never mention him, and when they do, they say, “He wasn’t Irish.”

He was the family secret. A secret I knew when I was young, forgot when I got older, and figured out much later.

Why do I celebrate Patty’s Day?
Because it’s a day like any other. And every day you’re alive and Irish is a day to celebrate.
I don’t wear green on my arm, because I wear it in my heart.

“You’ve got to bring your own fun…”

Our buddy Rob came with us to the Vampire LARP last night. He doesn’t have a hook for his character yet — something that he can bring with him when the game runs dry. Trekhead and I will have to fix that.

Marcus, on the other hand, had a wonderful time (even though he missed Rose terribly). He got to scare the hell out of everyone, and torment a Toreador (very well done, Mr. Moon — you left too soon for my RPG nod, so I’ll give it to you here).

“I like Toreador. And so do my… friends.

And soon — very soon — he’ll get to “sing.”

PS: Hey, Engaged, we should have In ‘n’ Out more often.

First Paycheck! (UPDATE!)

As it turns out, the paycheck was only for one week.
Thank Keethdowmga.
I feel much better now.

Damn Republicans still took a third of it. 😛

Decisions… Decisions… (Revised)

Well, one of my Friday night-ers last second cancelled, so there’s no TT this Friday. Instead, I have a series of choices for the evening’s activities. Whatever happens, ol’ Marcus is gonna make an appearance. Orange County or Riverside… Orange County or Riverside…

(Edit) Well, it’s so much easier if someone makes the decision for you, isn’t it? 🙂

From Doc…

1) Go to
2) Type “french military victories”
3) Click on “I Feel Lucky”
— Enjoy

(For further enjoyment, follow the link…)

“There is nothing I despise more than war, and nothing I admire more than soldiers.” – Eric Bogle

The Most Amazing Thing…

I was outside for my 15 minute break, just enjoying the sunshine, drinking iced tea, watching people walk by.

This little old man walks up to me. Swarthy, what was left of his black hair flat against his head from persperation. His eyes were blue. Brilliant blue. Cataract blue.

“Excuse,” he says to me. “Excuse. Help.” He’s got two quarters in his hand.

I asked him what I could do.

“Lost,” he told me. “Lost purse. Mervyns.”

I work across the street from a shopping mall. One of those big ones. Hundreds of stores and three floors. I tell him I’ll help him find his purse. I lead him across the street, and he shuffles next to me with tiny, quick steps. As we walk, I ask him his name. He mumbles something I don’t understand. I tell him my name, and we keep going. He keeps palming the two quarters he’s got in his hand.

Through the mall, the food court, by the Macy’s, all the way over to Mervyns. His huff-puff breath picks up a little, and I hear a little groan of hope. “Three hundred dollars,” he tells me. Wow. I tell him he shouldn’t be carrying that much money. He mumbles something else, his bright blue eyes shining happy.

We get to Mervyns. He keeps walking. Walking outside. “Thank you,” he says, not even looking back. He shuffles right over to the bus station, two quarters in his hand.

“Lost,” he said to me. But not “purse.”


I have no idea where those three hundred dollars came from. Or even where they went.

I watch him go, laugh a little, realize I’m late to get back off my break.

Halfway back, I remember Llugh racing with the sun. And I laugh.

My new Neopets Story!!!

So, they gave me a list of pictures and said, “Write a story about one of these.”
Anyone who knows me knows why I picked the one I did.