State of the Union and Democratic Response

(from FactCheck)


We found some puffery in President Bush’s State of the Union address. He  proposed a 20 per cent cut in gasoline use, which turns out to be only an 11 per cent decrease from current levels. The President claimed to have cut the federal deficit in half, which hasn’t quite happened yet. He trumpeted the 7.2 million jobs created since the worst of the 2003 job slump, ignoring the 2.7 million jobs lost during the first part of his tenure. And once again Bush spoke of “energy independence,” though the nation’s dependence on imported oil has grown steadily since Bush took office despite all the talk and enactment of his energy legislation.

Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia, in a nine-minute response from the Democrats, also chose his data selectively. Trying to put a gloomy cast on a generally upbeat economy, he claimed that worker wages “are at all-time lows as a percentage of national wealth.” Webb would have been more accurate had he said “national income” rather than “wealth,” but it’s true that real wages (after inflation) are rising nicely after a long stagnation.

Track List (Updated, Again)

  1. Discordian Double Agent
  2. Seal Section 4
  3. Sun Storms
  4. Incident at Devil’s Reef
  5. Chase Scene
  6. A Winter Garden (No More Roses, Part 1)
  7. Schauermarchen
  8. Widenet YT (Go Robot Go)
  9. Space Cowboy
  10. Dixon Mason
  11. Arena
  12. Talia’s Dance
  13. Third Act (Slow Reveal)
  14. Jack Savage
  15. Shot into the Sun
  16. Blooded of the Fox (No More Roses, Part 2)
  17. Wine Level
  18. Going Home

Track List (Updated)

  1. Discordian Double Agent
  2. Seal Section 4
  3. Sun Storms
  4. Incident at Devil’s Reef
  5. Chase Scene
  6. A Winter Garden (No More Roses, Part 1)
  7. Schauermarchen
  8. Space Cowboy
  9. Dixon Mason
  10. Arena
  11. Talia’s Dance
  12. Third Act (Slow Reveal)
  13. Widenet YT (Go Robot Go)
  14. Jack Savage
  15. Shot into the Sun
  16. Blooded of the Fox (No More Roses, Part 2)

50 minutes of music. More on the way.

Fate and Chance

It is said that the sisters Fate and Chance, at the beginning of the world, threw dice to see who would direct the lives of the ven.

Fate knew the outcome, but Chance got to roll the dice.

* * *

(The system below uses d6 pools. Read it. Tell me what you think.)

You must choose whether your character is directed by Fate or Chance. Either way, you will receive (X) Fate or Chance points at the beginning of each game. Players spend Fate and Chance points in different ways.

You may spend a Fate Point to turn two of your dice into “4s.”

You may spend a Chance Point to re-roll two of your dice.

Other mechanics in the game use Fate and Chance Points, but use them in the same way. In other words, the mechanics say “You must spend a F or C Point.” You’ll find them as we go through the book.

General Update

I’ve been rather quiet on personal matters lately. For good reason. A lot of people have asked, so let me just give a general update.

Yes, I am sick. Not *cough cough* but something very serious. I’m on two different medications, plus I got a prescription for Prozac. I also have two herniated discs in my back. For that, I have pain killers. Pain killers + Prozac = not much fun. I’m a happy drunk. I’m a lot less happy druggie.

I quit my job as apartment manager with another apartment manager job lined up. That job fell through at the last moment, leaving me unemployed and without a home. I’m crashing on Cowboy Ron’s couch for the time being. Not exactly the best thing in the world for my back (or my state of mind), but friendly charity goes a long way to restoring my faith in humanity.

As for cash, etc.: my month of unemployment (while Office Team Temp Agency found me a job) was hurtful on the bank roll. I ran out of cash. I was already short due to the blatant lies my previous employer told me about raises and being without a job for a month didn’t help. I fell way behind on everything. I couldn’t afford car payments, insurance, my medication, my credit cards, gas, my phone, or anything else. December and January were cold months in more ways than one.

Needless to say, massive depression, no space of my own and mounting debt are not beneficial to the creative process. Writing has suffered. Because I’ve recently started temping again, the writing has started again. My own little space with tiny little jobs that take me 1/10th of the time they expect gives me all the time in the world to sit down with a legal pad and just write. Transcription when I get home. 7,000 words in two days. Just like old times.

I’ve been talking a lot about moving out of Los Angeles. Yeah, I’m 99% certain I’ll be doing that. I have to talk to a few more people before I make the final decision, but it looks like I’ll be leaving, at least for a while, in two months.

As for the impact on things like The Awful Lot… I still have to talk to the rest of the band. We’ll see.


Yeah. Doom calls me a dolt. I deserve it.

Jared pointed out to me a thread about us over at I’ve heard people call it “Gaming’s Answer to Rush Limbaugh.” I figured that was just a bunch of hyperbole and went over to see what was going on.

Jared pointed me at this thread.

I stopped in, made a few comments (I show up on page 10, I think) and quickly smelled what the site was cooking. I excused myself quickly and politely. I have not been back.

My recommendation? It wasn’t hyperbole. It’s without moderators. And I’ll not be going back.