Here’s where the Stark Fist of Truth smashes through the Lies, Illusions, and Deceptions of the Powers-That-Be. They want you weak. They want you believing everything is under control, everything is all right. Well, everything is under control: their control. They feed you drugs and sex rock ‘n’ roll, and keep the real Drugs and Sex and Rock ‘n’ Roll for themselves. Freedom is conquering the real Seven Deadly Sins: Fear, Laziness, Complacency, Certainty, Morality, Selflessness, and Envy. (The Powers-That-Be included one of the True Sins to make their own sound valid.)
When your mind becomes certain, it stops thinking about a subject. As soon as that happens… you stop thinking! The majority of medical authorities consider an individual without thought “brain dead”, therefore, a certain mind is a dead mind. (Thank you, Mr. Wilson.)
Who are the Powers? Where do they hide? My friends, they gather in plain sight, mocking us, bleeding us. They don’t fear us because they think they follow the Credo. But, their power is false, brought on by greed and the desire for power. They underestimate their enemy. That’s us. We’ve found them. We spy on them. We watch them and record their names and faces. We know who they are. From time to time, we’ll show them to the world. But, only a little at a time. One cannot look upon the face of God and not know despair. The power they hold is great, and the uninitiated must see it only a little at a time. Like gazing upon the true size of the universe, such knowledge can drive the lesser mind into the abyss. A little at a time, faithful readers. A little at a time.
This week, we bring you a special glimpse into the world of the Movers. They want us to be silent, to keep our mouths shut and be good little drones. Not today, friends. Not today.
They control the airports. They control the gas prices. They control your bank. They know exactly how much money you have and exactly how much you spend and exactly where you spend it. They know how much to tax you: just enough so you won’t complain. You’ll grouse to your friends, and you’ll feel it, but they won’t tax you too much – otherwise you may feel compelled to do something about it. They want you quiet and still. Complacent. Watch Reality TV. See how screwed up other people are. Aren’t you glad for what you’ve got? Don’t be ambitious. Don’t want more than what you’ve got. Be grateful for it.
“Look here!” they say, and provide a war to distract you from what they’re really doing. Passing laws that legitimize public prayer. Do you really think the gas prices are going to go back to where they were? Hell, no. They got you all riled up for paying too much, and now, the prices will come down just a little to make you feel grateful for what you can get.
You’re impotent. You can’t do anything. Nothing matters. Ennui. Malaise. Angst. That’s what they want you to feel. Helpless, powerless, and small.
“But, what can I do?” you ask. “I can’t do anything. Everything is out of my hands.”
Wrong. WRONG!!! The Powers-That-Be only have power if people believe in it. If people support it. Throw it away. Smash it.
You don’t need anything you own. Every little trapping in your house is a trap. Collectible dolls. Collectible dolls!!! Everything is disposable. Even reality.
Kill your TV. It lies to you. Tells you things They want you to believe.
Destroy the idols. Smash the statues. Kill your heroes and your teachers. Murder your gods and chew their guts between your teeth. Be free. BE FREE!!!
This is the new Credo: “I don’t believe in anything!”
Nothing in the world matters except that. Your life is your life. It doesn’t belong to MTV, or Madison Avenue, or Nintendo, or Microsoft, or Blizzard, or anything else. It belongs to you.