
There is no such thing as a germ.

“Germ” is a term (woo! I’m a poet!) people use in reference to bacteria and viruses. It’s a marketing term ad agencies use so they can be vague about what their product does. Does it kill viruses or bacteria? Ahah! Dodge that question! It kills “germs!”

The problem, of course, is that viruses and bacteria are very different and are not suseptable to the same treatments. Therefore, when you see a product that “kills germs!”, you should be highly dubious of its claims.


There is no such thing as a Christian.

“Christian” is a term (woo! um… nevermind) people use in reference to their religious faith of choice. It’s a marketing term religions use so they can isolate themselves from others who claim to believe the same thing. This brings on the “real Christian” song and dance I see so many times. “Catholics aren’t real Christians. Mormons aren’t real Christians.” All that nonsense.

The problem, of course, is that all Christians are very different, believe in different things, and all claim to be the “true Christianity.” I’ve got news for you, folks. The “true” Christians died a long time ago. They were all wiped out by the fledgling Catholic Church in the 5th Century CE. The Pope declared a bunch of crusades on the Christian sects who didn’t agree with the Catholic interpretation of the Bible and now, they’re all gone.

Wiped them out like germs.

So, if you see a person who calls themselves a “true Christian,” you should be highly dubious of its–I mean “their”–claims.