I’m bashing Republicans again…

A deep bow of sorrow, my Republican friends. But please keep these in mind the next time you think your party is about personal freedom and responsibility…

(Thanks to Kosh — I’ve removed some of the more inflamitory language that would have detracted from the very valid points.)

U.S. Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania
… equated the right to consensual homo sex in your home with the right to bigamy, poligamy, incest, and adultery. He argued against same-sex marriage, comparing it to “man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be.” The elected idiot later reiterated his opposition to gay marriage by announcing, “Marriage is not about affirming somebody’s love for somebody else.” There was no comment from the Senator’s wife about his peculiar statement.

Michael Savage
Michael Savage’s MSNBC television program was cancelled after he told a gay caller, “You should only get AIDS and die, you pig.” What’s more, Savage’s syndication company sued anti-Savage Web sites for damaging his career.

Willian Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas
The Three Stooges of the Supreme Court (No Moes among them!) predictably voted against overturning Texas’s sodomy law. Justice Scalia took the unusual step of reading his dissent from the bench, where he railed against the so-called “gay agenda” and predicted that legalizing sodomy would lead to gay marriage and – hold on to your hats – invalidate state laws against masturbation! (Outraged wankers’ rights advocates plan a Million Masturbators March on Washington.)

… and finally:

President George W. Bush
President Bush announced his support for legislation that would deny gay men and lesbians the right to marry. But he called for “tolerance” (read my lip service) and bizarrely stated, “We’re all sinners.”

Anyone who thinks the current incarnation of the Republican party is anything but a forum and agenda hammer for the Religious Right is fooling themselves. No, it hasn’t always been that way, and no, it doesn’t always have to be that way. But please, for the love of Thor, can we get these fucking wankers that they are forbidden by God to put God in the way of personal liberty and responsibility.

It says so in the Constitution. “No God in Government.” And if the Founding Fathers were all inspired by God, then He must have wanted it that way.