Make a Game!

Following Jared’s example, I have thrown my hat into the “Challenge a Game Designer” thread over at Story Games.

Go ahead and make a challenge. I dare you.

EDIT: Story Games is suffering an internal server error. So, 

Kingdoms: A Little Game about Generations


Each player needs a Diary. You can have any kind of diary you want. You’ll also need correspondence. Envelopes, blank pages. Again, you can have anything you want.


The Narrator (GM) also needs a Journal of some kind.


In the game, you play a young prince or princess destined to inherit a kingdom. Just not yet. Define your character with a set of adjectives. You get five. Three Good, two Bad.


Use your Diaries for in-game actions and your Correspondence for between game actions. The games take place at social events. The players meeting for parties and gatherings, keeping track of events with their Diaries.


At the end of each event, each player reads his Diary out loud. The players then vote on which Journal is the best recounting of the event. That Diary is the “official” entry. Write it up in the Narrator’s Journal.


For any Conflicts, players roll dice. You roll three dice for any appropriate Good adjectives and subtract a die for any appropriate Bad adjective. The high roll wins the Conflict and narrates what happens.


No player may narrate another character’s death – only his own.


Play progresses with each  session representing a year. As time moves on, characters grow older. Eventually, characters pass away, leaving their children to play in their wake. (Or, in some cases, orphans.)


That’s the game off the top of my head. I’d like to add more. I probably will. And will probably have it for sale at Gen Con.