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From “The Prophesies of Uikku”

Doom of the Crab
“It will be the return of an ancient hero that marks their doom. He will destroy the Crab Clan and everything for which they have fought.”

Doom of the Crane
“A fallen foe will prove to be their undoing. They will be led astray by a deceiver, and the true hero will arise too late to save them.”

Doom of the Lion
“Blind faith in the Throne leaves you blind to the need of the Empire.”

Doom of the Phoenix
“The Tao of Shinsei is no guard against darkness. It is their pride that will blind them to their downfall.”

Doom of the Scorpion
“An act of honor will be their downfall. A moment of strength that is a moment of weakness… hiding behind a mask.”

Doom of the Ki-Rin
“When the great wind comes, it shall be the saplings that fall before the great trees with deep roots.”

Doom of the Dragon (the missing chapter, found in a scroll in Pheonix libraries)
“Those who live only in the moment cannot see the past nor the future.”