Amongst my brothers and fellows…

I passed on to the Fellowcraft Degree tonight. A second degree mason.
By the end of the month, I plan on taking my proficiency for second degree and in July, I’ll be raised to the degree of Master Mason.

So I can show off my ring at GenCon. 😀

There’s got to be a better word…

WARNING: All my woman readers. You will be offended today. I apologize in advance.

I used to say, “I’m not a feminist. I’m a humanist.”

This statement can be illustrated by the fact that whenever people talk about prostitution, they always talk about it in the context of women’s rights. I have never–except for myself–heard anyone address the issue considering the fact that a not insignificant percentage of prostitutes are male. And, on top of that, people forget that it takes two to tango. The vast majority of customers of both male and female prostitutes are men. And when they get arrested, they’re getting arrested for the very same crime. (Okay, it isn’t the same crime, but you get what I mean.)

Prostitution is a human rights issue, not a woman’s rights issue. People have the right to use their bodies as they see fit. And if prostitution isn’t a crime, then propositioning a prostitute is not a crime, either. Neither of them are criminals.

I’m not a feminist. I’m a humanist.

Now, there are times when I’ve been accused of being a mysoginist, “one who hates women.” When these accusations have been made, they were not true. I did not hate women, but I disliked the way women approached issues such as prostitution, abortion, and other human rights issues that got snatched up by the feminist movement and branded “NO MAN CAN TOUCH THIS.”

The whole “Men cannot decide the rights of women” argument is bullshit. It’s an ad hominem attack. If the argument is strong, it’s a strong argument regardless of who makes it: a man or a woman.

In the past, claims of misogyny on my part have been false. But not anymore.

As of today, and perhaps only for today, I hate women.

I hate women. All of them. Every single last one of them.

Of course, this probably has something to do with the medication I’m on. It may also have something to do with the fact that the majority of women I know are spoiled children who act like they have the Constitutional Right to be irrational, highly emotional, and completely irresponsible. And they have this right because they are women.

Men don’t have this right. Only women do.

“I have the right to be emotional. I’m a woman.”
“I have the right to overreact. I’m a woman.”
“I have the right to be irresponsible with what I say and do. I’m a woman.”

Personally, I blame the song Bitch for this. But that may have something to do with the medication I’m on.

I’m not a misogynist. That’s not the right word. It’s close, but it isn’t right. I don’t hate women; I love women. I love all of you. But I’m pissed at all of you. Very, very angry. You can be angry at someone you love and still not love them any less.

I’m just… so goddamn pissed at you right now. And there’s really nothing I can do about it. Because you have the right to be what you are and I have to suffer.

So, I’ll suffer. But I won’t do it quietly. And I’ll still love and respect you in the morning.

Maybe. It’s hard to say. I’m an emotional, over-reactionary creature who is irresponsible with his words. You’ll just have to love me for it.

Play Dirty

After this weekend, I have a new chapter for the upcoming Play Dirty book.

A chapter on player responsibility.

Asimov’s Robots a Reality

… and we can thank Japan for it.

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is working on a new set of safety guidelines for next-generation robots. This set of regulations would constitute a first attempt at a formal version of the first of Asimov’s science-fictional Laws of Robotics, or at least the portion that states that humans shall not be harmed by robots.

(thanks to thelastmehina)


Thank you, Brett Ratner, for putting my favorite Marvel mutant in your movie.

Scientist to CEI: You Used My Research To “Confuse and Mislead”

(from Fact Check)


The business-backed Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) released two ads last week to “counter global warming alarmism.” 

One of the ads says research shows “The Antarctic ice sheet is getting thicker, not thinner. . . Why are they trying to scare us?” Actually, scientists say increased snowfall in Antarctica’s interior is evidence that global warming is taking place.  Scientists also say that the ice sheet is melting at the ocean’s edge and a recent report says it is shrinking overall.

The ads drew a protest from a University of Missouri professor who says they are “a deliberate effort to confuse and mislead the public about the global warming debate.” He said one of them misuses a study he published in Science magazine last year on the Antarctic ice sheet. An editor of Science also said the ads misrepresent the findings of that study as well as a second study on Greenland’s glaciers.

The second CEI ad notes that carbon dioxide (CO2) is “essential to life,” and says, “they call it pollution. We call it life.” That ad fails to mention that too much CO2 can cause global temperatures to rise or that there is more of it in the atmosphere than any time during the last 420,000 years.

CEI, which gets just over 9 per cent of its budget from Exxon Mobil Corporation, said it was only trying to make sure the public hears “both sides of the story.”


Wanna know who is CEI’s biggest financier?
Learn more about CEI here.


I am offended by rape.
I am offended by murder.
I am offended by theft.
I am offended by violence towards others.

I am not offended by ideas.


I am feeling much better. Thanks for all the kind thoughts.

And my comment about writer’s block… check it out again. I don’t need a cure for writer’s block, I have the cure for writer’s block.

The cure is having to lie on your back for a week, unable to sit in a chair, unable to sit up in a straight position… in other words, the cure for writer’s block is not being able to write.

The word is in.

Doctor just called. Without surgery, I will be in chronic pain for the rest of my life. No sitting in a chair for more than five minutes. No standing for more than ten. Not without severe pain that only narcotics can releive.

I have to go now. Typing this hurts.

I thought the pain would be bad enough. Wanna know the cure to writer’s block? I’ve got it.

Right when my back starts healing… the sneezing begins. Putting me right back where I started.