Strategicon After-Action Report

Prepping for my LA departure (tomorrow), I don’t have a lot of time, but I wanted to thank everybody for a great show. Paul Tevis and his crew of croni–I mean “volunteers”–were great. I got to playtest Houses for the first time and I’ll be putting up my observations later.

The books I needed to really make my booth shine arrived today.

“Got hates me. That’s it.”
“Hate him right back. Works for me.”

But, thanks to Ron, I got a booth up and running and we sold books. Enough to pay for the booth, give Ron some compensation, and cover my expenses. Not a “buying show.” Folks don’t come to Strategicon to spend money; they come to Strategicon to play games. Mostly board games.

Speaking of which, I got to play in Matt!’s Dune board game tourney. I almost won. Instead, a buddy won because of a mistake. A mistake I made. That’s cool. I already have a copy of the rpg.

I also got to play Sons of Liberty: a steam-punkish American Revolution Magic Mason RPG that’s in development. I’ll be writing the introduction. I already have the starting line:

This is the game I would have written… if I didn’t take a vow not to.

It was a lot of fun. I like the character/adventure generation system very much. I can’t wait to see the final product.

I also got to see some friends. Probably for the last time. I will miss you all very much.

Today, it’s an oil change, a car wash and a Pink’s hot dog. If you want to see me before I go, better make it today. Tomorrow, at high noon, I’ll be leaving LA.

(Sorry, ladies. That magician’s vow of celibacy is still up and running.)

In the meantime, here’s something appropriate.

When we are young
Wandering the face of the earth
Wondering what our dreams might be worth
Learning that were only immortal — For a limited time


Direct deposit is supposed to make sure my check goes into my bank Monday night at midnight. It is Friday and I still have no money. I do have overdraft fees to comfort me, though. The accounting department assures me this is an oversight. I am also comforted by their assurance. They told me, “Your check will be processed on Monday.” I told them, “Monday is a holiday.” They didn’t know what to say about that.

There’s a con this weekend. I have no gas and no money. I cannot afford to drive there, let alone pay for parking. Books that were sent to me (to sell at the show) were sent on the 5th. They have not arrived. I have a tracking number, but the USPS can’t tell me where my books are. “So what good is a tracking number?” I ask. They assure me the books will arrive… they just don’t know when. I am comforted by their assurance.

I planned on leaving Los Angeles on Tuesday. My grand goodbye to LA, a final convention where I sell books, run games and see friends for the last time. Los Angeles is not content with running me out. Now, she won’t let me leave.

I am comforted by that.

The Day After

I don’t know what this says, but the day after VD, all the skirts are higher, all the tops are lower and they all smell like “fuck me vanilla.”


HotB: (An Old Friend) Advantage Dice

Fans of Enemy Gods, Cat and The Secret Lives of Gingerbread Men will recognize these guys. They’re Advantage Dice. I’m stealing them for Houses of the Blooded for two reasons. First, because they really do encourage player input; and second, because as “Style Dice,” they’ll encourage players to act like the ven.

For those of you who do not know what I’m talking about, here’s Advantage Dice.

One of the most important elements of the Houses of the Blooded system is Advantage Dice. These are dice the GM hands out to players for showing initiative and for good roleplaying. Each Advantage Die is another die the player can roll for a chance of getting more effect.

Advantage Dice represent advantages your character has in any given risk. GMs should not be shy about giving Advantage Dice; they are here to reward good roleplaying, planning, and innovative thinking.

For example, a player says, “I have three advantages over my opponent. My character has a sword. Also, I’m on higher ground. Finally, my character has the sun behind him, shining in my opponent’s eyes.”

The GM agrees and says, “Okay. I’ll count the fact that you are armed and your opponent isn’t and the sun behind your back, but leave that ‘higher ground’ nonsense with Anakin at the lava. You have two advantages. You can roll two additional dice on your attack.”

In many ways, a character’s Virtues and Skills are like permanent Advantage Dice. Because a character has a past, he can use the skills he learned from that past as Advantage Dice.

A Note for GMs

Advantage Dice came out of a response to watching another system in action. (The system shall remain nameless, but its initials are DAD.) In that system, all the advantages a character could have were preloaded: right there on his sheet. The player didn’t have to think about how to gain bonuses because all his bonuses were already in front of him. Besides, the wimpy circumstantial bonus (+2) didn’t match the Feats he had on his sheet.

This led to the classic “I roll to hit” syndrome that drives me crazy. So, I decided to come up with something I liked more.

Advantage Dice make the player engage the world around him, make him look for any advantage his character can get. Rather than rely on his sheet, the player has to think outside his sheet and think of ways to gain advantages. The advantages aren’t front loaded and calculated ahead of time.

When all the thinking is already done for the player, he resorts to “I roll to hit.” He doesn’t even address the situation with an in-character voice. “I roll to hit.”

With advantage dice, he must think about the fight in-character. He must address the situation going on. If he just “rolls to hit,” he’s missing out on all the goodies. As the GM, it is your job to reward his creativity. Do it. You might be surprised at the response.


Advantages in HotB
I’ll be changing the name of Advantage Dice to “Style Dice.” You get Style when you do cool shit. They don’t keep like Drama Dice from 7th Sea; they’re fire and forget. If you do something cool, I give you Style for that risk.


Someone on asked about clothes. Yes, your wardrobe is important. You can invest it with Style…

Chemistry and Mystery

On this day, the Day of Love, I am drawn to questions of chemistry. Love, after all, is a chemical reaction in the brain. It is measurable. We can even influence it. We can make you fall in love. We can make you fall out of love. Chemistry.

Last night, my favorite Arthurian myth, Tristan, was on the TV. I really liked Tristan + Ysolde because it treated the characters fairly. It didn’t duck any punches. And afterward, I got to explain the whole thing from a Midieval point of view. True love was a new idea to the West. Hell, it was a new idea to the whole world. We put that idea on stories like The Odyssey and see Odysseus as trying to get home to the wife he loves. Fuck that. He was trying to get back to the shit he owned. Like his dog and his wife. Probably in that order.

Needless to say, when it was first discussed, true love was considered magical. It was a miracle, given by God. At least, that’s what some people claimed. Others said it came from the Devil. Either way, it was magical . No way to study it. No way to observe it. No way to say anything objectively true about love. It was a mystery. Unsolvable, unapproachable.

Now, we know different. We know exactly where love comes from. We can shut it off. We can boost it. We can tell you what it does to your body. We can even replicate it with external stimuli.

Some may see this as tragic. Remove the mystery of love and… well, you remove the mystery.

I do not. I see it as wonderful. The more we know about the way our brains work, the better. I will always yell “Hooray!” when science beats superstition and we learn more about the world around us. Especially when it comes to the brain.

Especially these days.

Houses of the Blooded: Style

I was thinking about ditching Fate and Chance.

Talking with Cowboy Ron, I said, “They don’t encourage behavior. They just give the players access to math with a cool explanation.”

“But it’s a cool explanation,” he said. “I like it. And I’ve already decided which Sister I want.”

I nodded. “I know it’s cool, but it may be a cool idea that doesn’t belong in the game.” I paused. “What I need is a mechanic that encourages the kind of behavior I want from a ven character.”

“So make one,” he said. “But keep the Sisters.”

I thought about it for a while, then remembered something I came up with for Enemy Gods, and Cat.

Hm… a little twist in how it works and a change of nomenclature… and we have Style!

More later tonight.


Strategicon. I’ll be there with bells on. (Ouch.)

I’ll have a booth along with books and copies of Wilderness of Mirrors. Yeah, those nifty shiny versions.

Find out more at

Houses of the Blooded Preview
Friday 8:00 pm
Up to 6 players
Game System: Houses of the Blooded
Gamemaster: John Wick

John Wick, author of the Legend of the Five Rings and 7th Sea, reveals his next “big game!” Houses of the Blooded is a roleplaying game of ruthless politics where a sharp wit is just as valuable as a sharp sword. Enter a world where Blood, Lust and Treachery are the coin of the realm. Pre-release demo.

Cat: A Pirate’s Life for Me
Saturday 10:00 am
Up to 6 players
Kids Game
Game System: Cat
Gamemaster: John Wick

On the good ship Agamemnon, life for the sailors is always full of adventure. Little do they know their ship’s mascots are protecting them from monsters they could never imagine. Cat is a roleplaying game for beginner and advanced players. This particular adventure is for both parents and children: the grown-ups playing the pirates and children playing cats.

Wilderness of Mirrors: Olympus 7
Saturday 8:00 pm
Up to 6 players
Game System: Wilderness of Mirrors
Gamemaster: John Wick

The agents of OLYMPUS 7 have to stop a terrorist plot, but who can they trust? Take everything you love about the spy genre and make a game out of it. Paranoia, deception, planning, and a ticking clock. Come see why Wilderness of Mirrors is being touted as the best spy game on the market.

Discordia!: No Cookies for Christmas
Sunday 3:00 pm
Game System: Discordia!
Gamemaster: John Wick

he Queen of Cookies has been kidnapped by fascist penguins plotting to take over the world! Sound silly? You have no idea how scary it really is. Incorporating the rules from Wilderness of Mirrors, “No Cookies for Christmas” is a deadly serious adventure with a downright silly premise. Just as Discordia would want it. __________________

HotB Suaven: The Lord of Murder

You’ve met the Sacred Harlot.

Ikhalu: The Lord of Murder
When the ven first found their freedom, two brothers sought to lead them to their destiny: Uhmume and Ikhalu. Both spoke to the gathered, both made their appeal for leadership. When all the words were spoken, the ven choose Uhmume. The brothers’ rivalry is now one of the greatest stories in ven legend. After years of bloodshed, Ikhalu and his followers were cast out. But that was not the last the ven ever saw of them.

The ven who revere Ikhalu do so in the shadows. The Senate declared worship of Ikhalu illegal centuries ago: one of the few laws that remains without loopholes. Death is the only penalty for any found with an Ikhalu shrine or one of his forbidden knives (see below).
Those who follow Ikhalu are called Ikhalavu which best translates as “priests of the assassin.” (I’m using “assassin-priest” for the sake of brevity.) The assassin-priests use forbidden rituals to steal the souls of other ven for a dark purpose: to raise the Lord of Murder from his Solace.

The Ikhalavu are masters of disguise and the shadow-powers their dark lord bestows upon them. They are also taught a martial art specifically designed to immobilize targets. Also, every Ikhalu priest carries a magical dagger; any person killed by this dagger has their soul sent to Ikhalu’s fortress.

khalu assists his followers with powers devious and diabolical. Every assassin-priest is given an unholy dagger that steals souls and sends them to Ikhalu. His shadow-magic helps hide his assassin-priests, giving them the ability to hide in plain sight and disappear into shadows. Ikhalu also visits his followers in omens and dreams. This makes him one of the most active suaven.

Tabba: The Ikhalu Knife
An Ikhalu knife is a sacred item given to the most trusted assassin-priests. All of Ikhalu’s Blessings are bestowed through the knife. The Hidden Blade All Ikhalu knives are bestowed with one Secret: if the priest hides it on his person, it cannot be found. No man, woman, or child can find the knife if the priest hides it.

The Deepest Cut
By invoking this Blessing, the priest gives his opponent a permanent Wound. This Wound cannot be healed by normal means.

False Death
One of the greatest Secrets of the Ikhalu assassin-priests is their ability to feign death. By invoking this Secret, the priest tells Ikhalu “I am not yet ready, Lord,” and appears by all accounts to be dead. His wounds appear fatal to any onlookers. Only if his heart is removed from his body is the priest actually killed. He remains in this false death until midnight. Then, under the moon, he rises again.

The Stolen Mask

By invoking this Blessing upon a body he’s murdered, the priest may steal the face of his victim. By stealing the face, he steals the demeanor of the victim as well. The priests clothes appear to be his victim’s clothes, his voice sounds the same, even his possessions are identical. The deception is true until the mask is removed; the face then shrivels and cannot be used again.

Avali: Holy (or Sacred) Murder

Whenever an Ikhalu priest commits “holy murder” with his knife, he sends the soul to Ikhalu’s secret palace. The knife immediately gains a bonus die. The knife may have a number of bonus dice equal to the Devotion of the assassin-priest.

To commit avali, the assassin-priest must strike his enemy without the enemy knowing he’s present. The priest slices the throat of the victim or pierces his heart. Then, the priest utters a small prayer to Ikhalu, telling his dark Lord that a soul is on its way.

Again: the avali ritual may only be committed if the target has no clue the priest has intention to kill the target. The priest could be in disguise or hidden. Then, once the priest is in place, he rolls his Devotion to the Lord of Murder. If he gains effect equal to the target’s Fortitude, the target is doomed to die in three rounds.


If you want to know more about Ikhalu, just ask


. They’re both experts.

(Oh! And


, too!)

HotB Suaven: The Sacred Harlot

HotB Advantages are gone. Instead, we have the suaven. As mentioned earlier, your character gets 5 points to spend on the saints. The number of points you spend determines your Devotion to that saint. You may not spend more than 3 points on any single suaven.

I’ll be introducing you to the suaven throughout the week. Let’s begin with one of my favorites.

Talia Yvarai
“She is the Muse of All Muses, the Inspiration for All Beauty.”

Each House has its own “high saint,” a figure of legend and mythic stature. For the Blooded of the Fox, that figure is Talia Yvarai. Founder of the Yvarai family, she lived a life of scandal, beauty and tragedy. She was cursed to never know true love, but that did not discourage her from searching for it. Her list of lovers is a who’s who of ven legends, each devoted to her haunting voice and mesmerizing eyes. But Talia was more than just a lover. She was a poet, a painter, and a musician. It is said she once stopped a war with a song.  A song that cost her dearly: she could never sing again.

Her body rests in solace in Yvarai Castle, surrounded by guards who are regularly visited by the suaven in their dreams.
A common misconception of Talia’s followers is that belong to a sex cult. Talia’s priestesses are skilled lovers, but they are also painters, poets, sculptors, and musicians as well as composers. Talia’s priestesses know the proper methods of preparing and eating elegant meals, the techniques of banter and debate, as well as the high holy art of love.

In return for their devotion, the followers of Talia learn secret arts no other school or academy in the rest of the seldom sees. Talia’s “seven kisses” are taught only to those most devoted to her. Those who betray her secrets are not treated kindly.

Secrets: The Seven Kisses
Talia demands rigorous rituals and ordeals to make her followers stronger. She demands her followers win over enemies with wit, charm, and creativity. And kisses. Priestesses are taught the Seven Secret Kisses; powerful magics that have been known to enslave even the mightiest opponent. While they are called “kisses,” the powers are actually invoked by any particular kind of contact.

Each kiss requires only a moment of contact and another vital element: the target’s trust. Contact between the priestess and the target cannot be initiated by her; the target himself must touch the priestess. The priestess may extend her hand, but the target must put his own hand in hers. Without this, she cannot invoke any of her secrets.

If the target touches the priestess, she may then activate any of the effects at any time. It could be immediately or the following week or later that night, just as she invokes the power of the kiss within the current month. If the moon has passed through her phases and the follower has not invoked the power of a kiss, she must re-invoke it with another touch.

Followers of Talia are taught the Kisses by the Harlot’s most faithful devotees. Learning a Kiss requires one Season of study. You may only know a number of Kisses equal to your Devotion rank. Teaching anyone a Kiss or even telling anyone about their secrets may result in losing complete favor with Talia, and thus, losing all of her Secrets.

Invoking a Kiss requires a Fate or Chance Point.

Befuddling Kiss
When activated, this Secret causes the subject to become confused and bewildered with an overwhelming tide of emotions. The subject loses a number of dice from each action equal to half your character’s Devotion (round up). The effects last until the next sunrise.

The Black Kiss

Talia first gave her priestesses the Black Kiss in response to violence against them in her shrines. The Black Kiss may only be given under specific circumstances; it is the exception to the aforementioned rules. The priestess’ lips must be blooded (either by her own blood or another’s) and she must know the true name of the target. If she gives the Kiss with blood on her lips, whispering the target’s name, he receives a Wound. The Kiss may be maintained with the target gaining an additional Wound every round.

The Enchanting Kiss
When activated, the priestess can make the target feel the pangs of any emotion she deems fit – except love. It can be anger, jealousy, nervousness, or even heart-break, but none can cause a heart to feel untrue love… not even Talia herself. The effects of this kiss last until the next sunrise.

Goodnight Kiss
When activated, the Kiss sets the target to sleep until the next dawn. Nothing will wake him except a touch from the priestess who originally kissed him.

The Muse’s Kiss
When invoked, the target feels the pure inspirational power of the Sacred Harlot fills his heart. He gains four dice on his very next action. The effects of the kiss fade thereafter.


Yes, I know. That’s only five Kisses. Declare your devotion to Talia and I’ll tell you more.