Weekend Update

The Awful Lot
Recording is finished. Clean-up for the second half of today. Cleaning up tracks, fixing small gaffs or moments we overlooked.

If you’ve never heard of Pro Tools, let me explain this funny little thing. Imagine having all the commands offered by a word processor–Cut, Copy, Delete, Paste, etc.–and apply them to sound. It’s an amazing program. So amazing, it allowed us to record six songs in less than 48 hours.

Our first EP–it isn’t a demo anymore–will be available at GenCon, on my own website, and on The Awful Lot’s MySpace. We’ll have samples up as early as Tuesday.

I cannot tell you how excited and impressed I am with the people I’ve been working with. Sheldon, Patrick, Amber, Scott, and Neil (our engineer) all make me feel like the talentless hack in the room. And I don’t feel that way often.

Tom Waits
Over the weekend, Tom (via his record company) uploaded a video for the forthcoming Orphans boxed set. It’s Tom “goofing on Elvis,” and it’s called “Lie to Me.” Check it out:


It’s official.

Sunday, December 10th



Liberal Arts Masonic Lodge*

You are welcome.

So is anyone else you want to bring with you.

Big, official announcement soon.

*2244 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA

Awful Lot First Recording Session

This weekend, The Awful Lot will have its first three-day recording session.

I’ll be laying down most of my work tomorrow and part of Sunday.

There will be pictures.

On Monday, all the engineering and production goes into high gear. This means, by next week, we will have a 6-song demo CD for sale.

Be ready.

My Birthday Party

On either December 8th or 10th, I will be celebrating my annual 25th birthday party.

The Awful Lot will be playing, selling t-shirts, and cds.

If you are reading this, you are invited.

There will also be a magical ritual, accompanied by lights and music.

More details to follow.

Second Base

“I am glad to meet you thus alone…”

(It’s only rehersal for next week’s Master Ritual, but I am stoked.) 🙂

Clear Moral Compass

In the wake of all the “same sex marriage” proposals that went up yesterday, I have to raise a couple of questions.

Now, more than a few people are using the Bible as a moral compass. They invoke the Ten Commandments, the sermon on the mount, and all the parables of Jesus as examples of good, clear moral lessons.

Now, we all know that the Bible is very clear about homosexuality. In the OT, God comes right out and says:

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

But God never says why. He says it’s an abomination, but he never tells us why.

Now, I can give you good, solid reasonable arguments for the immorality of murder and theft. Those two Commandments are good, solid standards of moral living. Of course, God doesn’t say why those are bad things to do, but we can look at them, discuss them, analyze them and come to pretty much the same conclusion. We’ll base our standards on things like innate human rights, the sanctity of life, the right of property, and other well-reasoned arguments for making murder, rape and theft crimes in our society.

But here’s where the problem arrises. God doesn’t say anything about  pedophelia. Not once. Not even mentions it.

So, if we want to use the Bible as a source of moral instruction, we have to ask ourselves a question.

If we’re supposed to be listening to God and God never condemns pedophelia, can we assume God condones those actions?

After all, God condemns homosexuality without any kind of justification at all. Not one. (And he only condemns male homosexuality. Although, with some loose interpretation, there is a verse that kind of condemns lesbianism, although you do have to reach to get there.)

God gave us a set of rules. A clear set of rules. What we can do and what we cannot do. These rules do not cover rape or pedophelia.

God’s pretty arbitrary about being a fag, but he’s also very clear on it. You’d think he’d be just as clear on this subjects, too.

QUICK EDIT: It was not a crime to have sex with a child in the United States until 1900 AD. That’s when the government recognized that children had the same status as animals under the law.

The same rights as animals.

A nation founded on Christian morals. Right.