I’m listening to http://www.radiomargaritaville.com. All you who spend your days listening to all that angry, pissed off at the world, angsty stuff… take a break, check in, head down to the beach, and relax. If not for yourself, do it for those who love you. You’d be surprised how different the world looks from the beach, listening to the Rhythm of the World.
I went down there last night, trying to get some perspective. Whenever I lose it, I head down to the sand and the waves. I sit on the shore and just listen. There it is: the Rhythm of the World. I can feel my pulse slow down, can feel the tension and anger flood out of my body…
Priorities. The world has been here for a long, long time. It’s seen my own problems a hundred thousand million billion times. I’m nothing new. Nothing unique. That isn’t a bad thing: it means there have been others who have faced my troubles and survived. They’ve made it. I can, too.
I come back to the apartment, look it over. So small. So dark. I open up the window, let the night air come in. Listen to the sounds of mankind. I smile. I can still hear the waves. They’re in my heart, and only my own inner noise can drown them out.
The window’s open, the night wind cool, no music on the radio, no TV. I look at the computer. The keyboard. No.
I pick up a pen and a notebook, and I write.