“Something fell…”

(Two points to the one who recognizes the reference.)

Over eight thousand words written today. Good, strong words that’ll stand up in a court of law. It was good to write like I used to. 3k a day was my goal. I’d hit it before noon. Today, I wrote, I ate, I napped, I saw Hot Fuzz, I got groceries, I ate, I scanned the ‘net, and I wrote some more. At the end of the day, the word count says 8k. I’m not quite done yet. Still working, but I feel myself slowing down.

And in the middle of making words, I had a hankerin’ for a song. I looked at different versions and found this one.

I’ve kept my magician’s vow for a long time now. And I haven’t felt any need to break it. Something spiritual is stirring in me. I can feel it. I’m on the edge of exhaustion. Something is calling to me. Singing to me.

My fingertips tingle. My stomach lifts, like I’m falling.

A shadow against the window. The scent of her hair. The sound of her voice, singing.

She tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and cut your hair

The sound of breaking glass. The sound of a broken promise.

The muse is kind, the muse is cruel
She can make the wisest man a fool
Her song can cut to the bone
Until you learn
It was always your own