Stepping into the Light

Me: Will and Imagination.

Jared: hola

Jared: yeah

Me: The two keys to magic.

Me: (And the green lantern ring.)

Me: These must be stats in Secret.

Me: … but I’m not sure how they work.

Jared: Will you impose. It opposes Imagination.

Jared: Imagination overcomes someone else’s Will (ie: THEIR vision)

Me: Hm…

Jared: You could use a “one number” system like Zero and TrollBabe

Me: Will and Imagination are two, big man. šŸ˜‰

Jared: you can make them one

Me: I don’t know about that.

Me: Here’s what I’m thinking.

Jared: pick a number. Over is Will, under is Imagination

Jared: or something

Me: I want people to build their own symbol systems. For example, Sloth means something to Jared. It has personal meaning.

Jared: right

Me: so, you write “Sloth” on your character sheet. Sloth is a specific type of symbol: a totem animal. When you do things that invoke the virtues of Sloth, you roll an additional die. Or a number of dice equal to your rank in Sloth.

Me: When you find another symbol that Corresponds to the same meaning as Sloth, you also get that symbol, albeit on a lesser level.

Me: Correspondances are important because they build symbol systems. There is a Correspondance, for example, between the Virgin Mary and a rose. They both imply purity. So, having “rose” on your sheet gets you dice, but so does the Virgin Mary, just not as many dice.

Jared: brb

Jared: so the exact term gets you 2 dice, a related word or concept gets you 1, say?

Me: Something like that, yes.

Jared: What if you had a central Word (“Virgin Mary”) and then your Will/Imagination ((?) )score gives you extra Correspondences?

Me: You build Correspondances. Deep Correspondances cannot be trumped.

Me: Oh, wait a second.

Jared: And then those Corrspondences branch out, until your run out of “points” (

Me: Ok. Will is the number of dice you roll for Correspondances. Imagination is the number of “links” you can have from core Correspondances.

Jared: so it kinda forms a tree

Me: Yes.

Jared: Each branch decrements the value by 1, until you hit 0

Me: Your character sheet looks like a tree.

Jared: yeah

Me: So, you pick a number of core Correspondances equal to some number. You can start with a higher Will or a higher Imagination.

Jared: maybe tie that seppiroth thing in? (sic)

Jared: higher imagination = more options

Jared: higher will = more focused on one idea but it’s stronger

Me: Yes.

Me: YES! šŸ˜€