The Secret Lives of Game Designers

As many of you know, I was (until recently) an apartment manager in Los Angeles. Well, I skipped that job. Suffice to say I was asked to do many things that I just wasn’t willing to do. I jumped ship, got a job at a temp agency, and am now doing filing work for an accounting firm that handles such distinguished clients as NPR shows All Things Considered and Fresh Aire. I get paid a ton of money and it looks like the agency was fishing for a temp-to-permanent employee. So, if I want the job, I’ll probably get it. And I’ll be making boucoup bucks in the process.

Working at an accounting firm. Ah, men.

This will give me the opportunity to catch up. You see, I took the apartment manager job because it would allow me to save cash. No pay rent, remember? Unfortunately, the anticipated raises never came and I got deeper and deeper into debt. My savings dwindled over the months until eventually I was starting to buy groceries on my credit cards. Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. I can’t imagine what my credit looks like now. I’m afraid to look.

But I’m in a slow recovery. Cowboy Ron and his lady are taking good care of me while I recover. I’m looking for a roommate to crash with in the LA area again. Funny… just about a little more than a year ago I was thinking of buying a house. The roller coaster continues.

There are a few financial opportunities on the horizon. One of them involves gaming. The others involve another novel, a screenplay and The Awful Lot.

The New Year has always been a sacred time for me. It’s an opportunity to look back and figure out who the hell I am and who the hell I want to be. Reflection is on its way.

Dirt poor, without a home, still celibate, and slowly re-building my life. That’s me. I wonder who I’ll turn out to be on Jan. 1st.