The wake-up stick

ME: Dude — I’m fully ready for the orange robes. Monk time. I don’t know what’s wrong with women today, but they are PSYCHOTIC. I’m not even looking for a date, and I get drama. I’m ready. I hear it only takes thirty years to get the tiger and dragon tattoo. If we hurry, we can do it in twenty!

: You don’t want to hurry. I’m sure you know the old Shinseism . . .

ME:: Huh?

TREKHEAD: “Master, how long does it take to finish training?”
TREKHEAD: “Twenty years.”
TREKHEAD: “If I work hard at my training to the exclusion of all else, how long?”
TREKHEAD: “Thirty years.”
TREKHEAD: “What if I train day and night, doing nothing else, only waking and training from dawn to dusk?”
TREKHEAD: “Fourty years.”
TREKHEAD: “How can it be that it takes longer the harder I work?”
TREKHEAD: “The more you focus on one thing, the more you miss the importance of the rest of the world.”
ME: <-- gets hit with wakeup stick