The Yellow Sign, Take 2

Act I.

Tuxedos and gowns find their places
But the program gives them no warning
The lights go dim, the play begins
The stage is the violet light of morning
    In Carcosa

The sun bleeds in the East
The Hyades sign their dying throes
The stars arise to claim their prize
The Queen’s sad song still echoes
    In Carcosa

She grows weary of wordy games
Her daughter dances delusioned
Her son sings songs but her heart belongs
Away from the mists and illusions…
    Of Carcosa

Songs of sorrow, songs of pain
The towers are behind the rising moon
A nearing dread fills the Queen in red
In her dreams she sees the doom…
    Of Carcosa

We watch with eyes that can’t turn away
The players speak with voices not their own
We are petty thralls, the fourth wall falls
And we are there…
    In Carcosa

At midnight a stranger calls
The Palid Mask mesmerized
The King in Tatters, the clock is shattered
He turns to us with his flaming eyes…

(to be continued…)