This Will Piss You Off

At 4:00 PM EST, The Infidel Guy will be showing the documentary, The God Who Wasn’t There on his website. It’s a documentary about Jesus, the Bible, and many of the assumptions we have about both subjects.

Fair Warning: This documentary will make you mad. It made me mad. It made crapdaddy mad. Okay, that’s not true; crapdaddy got mad listening to the director on the radio. But, if he saw it, it would make him mad.

I understand if you don’t want to watch it, but I reccommend you do, for no other reason than it will smash many of the assumptions you have about the Bible and the history of Christianity. One of my favorite scholars, Bob Price, has a ten minute rant about “Biblical scholars” who actually know absolutely nothing about the Bible and the time period the Bible was written.

While I don’t agree with everything in the movie, or even with the directorial style and some of the tone (which I find too aggressive), there is a lot of informaion I’ve used to do my own research. Think of it as GURPS: Bible Scholar. It isn’t the final source on the subject, but it’s a great place to start.