I’m a registered Libertarian. I believe in less government.
No, less than that.
No, less that that.

To be clear, I am neither a Liberal nor a Conservative. My political beliefs are not that simple. I’ve voted for both Republicans and Democrats based on what they promised me and whether or not they’ve kept those promises.

Last week, I watched the Democratic National Convention. I caught a few things that sounded wrong, checked with my suspicions over at Factcheck.org, and generally enjoyed the speeches. I disagreed with some of the stances, but otherwise found Obama and his supporters to be positive and trying to uphold a sense of dignity.

This week, I began watching the Republican National Convention. I nearly puked after the "USA! USA! USA!" chants. Sounded like a pro wrestling PPV.

(Fair notice: I’m a pro wrestling fan. That doesn’t mean I want my political discussions sounding like a smackdown between The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin.)

I listened to Republicans say things like, "The Democrats are scared of our VP choice!" Ugh. No, they aren’t. They’re laughing at you. The spin was making me sea sick.

After a while, I stopped watching. It’s just too sad. Watching the Republican party lie to itself and try to lie to me.