Way of the Mastah!

Okay, I know it’s still April, and I know how fishy this sounds, but bear with me.

I’m gonna be on The Way of the Master radio program.

No joke. I mean it! Stop laughing!

They came on a forum I populate and regularly comment on and were looking for “educated guests.” Well, I guess I qualified.

This is gonna be tricky. I mean, I’m an not technically an atheist; I’m a Discordian omnitheist. And when asked to nail down what I exactly believe, I invoke Walt “I am large, I contain multitudes” Whitman and Spinoza’s God.*

However, I was currently calling myself a “spiritual atheist,” a term I like because it invokes a reaction. I don’t think it’s entirely correct–at least not all the time–but then again…

Anyway, I’ve listened to the program before and I know the drill. And, in the end, everybody is an atheist about something.


*To be clear, the spiritual truth that hits me harder than anything else is the understanding that everything is God. Something has been talking about for the last year or so.