I was at a party–a “dwarf birthday” themed costume party–when this photo was taken.
I was talking about Discordia–“Hail Eris!”–when this photo was taken.
There is no Photoshop, no special effects, just natural lighting.
When Jared and Rebecca asked me to be the minister at their wedding, they are lucky this guy didn’t show up.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is confirmed. We have actual photographic evidence of “The Wick.”
Thankfully, The Wick did not actually show up at the party. But a lot of people asked me a lot of game-related questions and I pontificated to no end.
I should start implementing the Stafford Rule. Whenever anybody asks me a question about L5R or 7th Sea, I charge them a dollar. I’ll talk your ear off; you’ll get your dollar’s worth, that’s no doubt. But just one dollar. It would certainly help my bank account.