Global Warming: The Big Con

I always tell people, “I put half my points in magician and the other in con man.” Inspired by Houdini, Penn & Teller and James Randi, I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for the skill and the presentation, but I hoped to use any of the skills I learned for good and not for evil.

Here’s an opportunity. A con. A big fat con. A con that involves Al Gore and his film An Inconvenient Truth. Yeah, I’m gonna talk about GLOBAL WARMING.

You see, I’ve seen Mr. Gore’s film. And I decided to check some sources. Especially those who give the film a failing grade. And I have some news for all of you.

My friends, this is a lesson in checking your sources.

You may have heard about the 31,000+ scientists who have signed a petition saying the Global Warming Crisis is a lie.

You can see the petition and it’s details here

Go check it out. Then, come back.

The Oregon Institute of Science got the ball rolling and over the last few years, has organized those 31,000 scientists to reveal the Big Lie of Global Climate Change.

The petition was sent out with a peer reviewed paper dismantling Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth film. Except there’s one problem. 

The paper wasn’t peer reviewed. 

In fact, it’s never seen any scientific journal. It was self-published by the founder of the OIS–an “institute” that happens to be this guy’s house.

And the “scientists?” One of them includes the Public Relations Officer for an extermination company. And there’s no way to verify any of these people’s credentials. The OIS says, on their website, that they can back up all the signitures, but when pressed, refused to do so.

You can find more details here.

Anyone who tells you Gore’s movie is poorly researched or makes unscientific claims needs to see the movie. It’s really that simple. If you haven’t seen the movie–and checked the facts yourself–you really don’t have any business talking about it. There’s more misinformation about the film than information in the film itself. Lots of lies, deceits, cheats and misdirections.

The skills used for evil.

When they have to lie to beat you, you know you’re doing something right.

Rush Star on the Walk of Fame

has little post about being a Rush fan.

(We’re all Rush fans, just not all of us know it yet.)

For those of us in know, we know about the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame’s very public announcement that Rush will never be inducted. Never. Not “possibly,” not “maybe,” not “probably not,” but NEVER.

Meanwhile, they invite Justin Timberlake to induct Madonna. Yeah.

But he writes of a different effort. Perhaps something a bit more noble…



I bring this up because my brother has been in touch with Donna Halper, the woman apparently credited with “discovering” Rush. She was telling him that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame won’t even consider honoring Rush, which pretty much follows the way the rock establishment has treated them for 30+ years. Some friends of hers are trying to get Rush a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame as a way of drawing more attention to them so they might eventually get into the Hall of Fame. They are looking to get testimonials from fans about why Rush deserves a star. While there are few things less punk rock than the Walk of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I do find the idea of making the rock establishment recognize a band that has made a career of doing their own thing appealing. I know there are some Rush fans amongst my readeers (I’m looking at you, Wick). If you want to help out, send a testimonial to Kevin Purdy at

Thanks for the headsup, dude. I’m all over it.

Song for Sunday

Kristofferson says he wants the first line of this song on his tombstone.
I say I want it sung at my wake.
Hearing kd lang sing it makes me weepy.

Tom Waits: Glitter and Doom

John Wick,

Thank you for purchasing tickets on Ticketmaster.

You purchased 2 tickets to:

Tom Waits
Orpheum Theatre, Phoenix, AZ
Wed, Jun 18, 2008 08:00 PM 

Seat location: section SEC B, row 24, seats 5-4

The First Roleplaying Game

Just stepping out of the shower, thinking about a project I’ve wanted to do for a very long time (and may get to do at GenCon this year), I had a sudden realization. I’m still pretty shaky on it, but I’m confident enough to write it down in public, just to see what other people think.

D&D is not the first roleplaying game.

Diplomacy is.

Einstein and God and Quote Mining

Quote mining Christians like to pull this trick a lot. They take quotes out of context, misuing Einstein’s sense of humor and poetic use of the word “god.” They say, “Einstein was religious!” when all evidence–when looked at in the correct context–proves he was not.

Those who like to pull the “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind” quote out of their asses don’t know when he said, why he said it, where he said it, or who he was saying it to. They know the quote, they don’t know the source. If they actually read Einstein’s letters (available at, they’d understand his sense of humor, his love of irony and sarcasm, and the poetic use of “god” when speaking of the universe.

(When Christians try to claim Einstein as one of their own, they often forget he was Jewish–a fact that puts him squarely in Hell, standing right next to Hitler, Jim Jones and Stalin. They forget that.)

And so, to provide even more evidence against this ridiculous idea, here’s a new letter–that you can read for yourself–that makes it very clear what Einstein thought of religion.

No quote mining. No out-of-context bullshit. Just plain speaking from the horse’s mouth.

Do: Open Call for Beta Playtesters

If you haven’t signed up to get a sneak peak (and help playtest) Daniel Solis’ new “spiritual teenage roadtrip RPG,” you honestly don’t know what you’re missing.

Let me say that again:


Click the icon above to submit a playtest application. Check out Daniel’s  Livejournal (

  ) for additional details.

Hey, Savage!

Your man Romney, he done good.

Recalling criticisms that he left nonbelievers out of his December speech on faith in America, Romney said: “Upon reflection, I came to understand that while I could defend their absence from my address, I had missed an opportunity . . . an opportunity to clearly assert that non-believers have just as great a stake as believers in defending religious liberty.”