Fair and Balanced

Even Rick Santorum deserves accurate criticism.

From FactCheck.org:


A TV ad by the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA) PAC portrays Republican Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania as being “out-of-this-world” on women’s issues.

The ad shows him cruising through space and accuses him of saying he “questions why some women work.” In fact, Santorum was defending women who give up careers to care for children.

The ad also says he sponsored a bill that “restricts the rights of women injured by medical errors.” The bill was actually an attempt to address soaring malpractice insurance rates for obstetricians and gynecologists, and would have limited awards for non-economic “pain and suffering” to $250,000 per doctor or hospital. Not mentioned in the ad is that the bill also would have capped lawyer’s contingency fees.