I want to take a digital camcorder to Gen Con for the purposes of doing interviews, building a documentary about the history of the independant game movement in the RPG industry.
Am I insane, or could this really work?
The Tao of Zen Nihilism
I want to take a digital camcorder to Gen Con for the purposes of doing interviews, building a documentary about the history of the independant game movement in the RPG industry.
Am I insane, or could this really work?
You don’t vote.
That’s okay. We’re still friends. But you don’t vote.
You don’t vote because you don’t feel connected to the process. Things like interstate commerce, the War in Iraq, the price of oil… these things seem out of your hands. That even if you did vote, you feel as if your representative in Congress doesn’t give a shit about you.
You don’t vote.
And I sympathize. I know how you feel. I know why you feel this way.
But here’s the trick, my dear, beloved friend… THEY WANT YOU TO FEEL THIS WAY.
They want you to feel helpless.
They want you apathetic.
They want you to stay still, shut up, and take it up the ass without complaint. Without lube. Without even a reach around.
You don’t vote because they don’t want you to vote.
We are not helpless. We are not harmless. We are the engine that makes the system work. We can make a difference.
Look at this. Go here and watch.
They are reaching right into your life now. Why? Because they think you won’t participate in the process.
The internet is the last source of free information. Anyone anywhere in the world can open their web browser and download the Bill of Rights, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, or The Communist Manifesto. (That last one was for trekhead.)
The internet is (mostly) free and nobody controls it. Congress wants to change that.
They work for you. We do not work for them.
What I want from you, my dear friend, is to make your voice heard. This last little bastian of anarchy, this last little light of hope, this place that gives me all the porn I want… I mean, that allows me to freely advertise my games… uh, yeah…
Dammit! They control phones, TV, radio, the newspapers… they don’t control the internet.
And we have to let them know to back the fuck off.
You don’t vote.
It’s time to start.
I’m a drummer in a great rock band.
I’m working on the second draft of my first screenplay.
I own my own company.
People buy my books.
My first novel has gotten a great response.
And I’m already pining to write my second.
“I can’t complain, but sometimes I still do.”
— Joe Walsh
Just got back from our first gig in front of a live audience. The reaction was unanimous:
“Man, you guys were great!”
They especially love “that New Orleans song.”
I am so very proud of my fellow bandmates. I don’t know if I can sleep.
Someone has to come over here to my apartment right now and tuck me in.
1. First kiss: Kathy
2. First true Love: Susan
3. First heartbreak: Susan
4. First car: ’75 Ford Summthin’
5. First pet: Mimi, the little barky mut
6. First computer: Texas Instruments
7. First concert: Rush, Permanent Waves tour. Been an addict ever since.
8. First alcoholic beverage: Whiskey, age 5.
9. First time you stayed out all night: Albany, Georgia. With Susan.
10. First best friend: In Iowa, a guy named Tom.
11. First job: Youth Counselor at a Summer Camp for Emotionally Disturbed Youth
12. First school: The first one I remember is St. Theresa’s in Albany, Georgia. I got expelled.
13. First movie you watched in a theater: The Sting. I told my dad, “I wanna grow up to be that.” And I did.
14. First thing you really saved up money for: A drum kit. It looked like this:
1. Next person you’ll kiss: Don’t know.
2. Next movie you want to see: The Illusionist.
3. Next person you want to go out with: Single and enjoying it.
5. Next time you’re going out: Tonight with my band to open for Raptor’s Away (I hope.)
6. Next place you’ll take vacation: Indianapolis. Gen Con!!!
7. Next thing you are going to do after filling this survey out: Practice on my brand new snare.
8. Next thing you are going to eat: Indian food.
9. Next time you plan to be drunk: I do drink, but I don’t get drunk.
10. Next time you’re going to get laid? Celibacy is a wonderful thing.
11. Next person you’d like to see fill this out: learsfool
1. Last kiss: Don’t kiss and tell.
2. Last person you hugged: Matt!
3. Last person you spoke to: The guy at West LA Music who sold me my new snare. Can’t think of his name.
4. Last alcoholic beverage: Whiskey.
6. Last movie: Clerks 2.
7. Last person you thought of: Well, the guy who sold me my snare because you asked me! Silly.
8. Last school you went to: AAGLA Apartment Manager Training Program.
9. Last person you said I love you to: Don’t do that and tell neither.
10. Last run in with the law: I got pulled over for making a U-turn where it said I could make a U-turn. Even showed the cop. He gave me a dirty look and told me to be on my way.
11. Last fight you were in: I’ve got a good stare down. It dodges fights good.
12. Last bar/club/concert/party you went to: Went to Das Bunker. It was okay.
13. Last person you IMed: Brother Morley.
14. Last thing you ate: Indian Food.
15. Last thing you saved up money for: A drum kit. Pearl Export, black on black. Looks like this:
Bit torrent is difficult to use, erratic, and all together frustrating.
Any suggestions?
The first draft of my first feature length script, The Lovecraft Game, is finished. At least, the first draft is done.
Damn. It feels good.
Now… re-writes.
Kevin Smith got an 8 minute standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival for this movie.
What they didn’t tell you was that before they walked into the theater, each and every one of them got an 8 minute blow job from Kevin Smith.