Something to tell your grandkids…

This is history. Every moment is history. But this… this is something we should all remember.

Keep this in mind: I did not vote for George Bush. I don’t agree with any of his policies, I resent the fact he has prayer meetings in the Oval Office, and I think he completely screwed up the PR for the war. However…

That doesn’t change the fact that we just saw the most powerful military force the world attack their enemy with the direct intention of causing the fewest casualties possible.

They defeated the enemy before they even hit the field. Demoralized, defeated, retreating before they even fired a shot. Textbook Sun Tzu.

We deposed a regime without attacking the civilian populace. We sacrificed lives to preserve the lives of “hostile civilians.” We jeopardized the safety of our own troops to do so.

Now, one can argue that there is nothing ethical in war. That’s tough to get around. But when faced with an enemy force of significantly inferior force, the U.S. Military chose not to run them down and kill them all to the man. No. They provided the Iraqi army ample opportunity to avoid bloodshed on both sides. They didn’t have to do that. It could have been a bloodbath. It wasn’t.

This may be the most humane war ever fought. I know that’s an oxymoron. I know that. And I honestly don’t know how I feel about the whole thing. But, that’s one fact you cannot ignore, dispute, or toss away. They went in with the intention of sparing lives.

That’s something to tell your grandkids.