The Forgotten Tomb of Felgar the Goblin King

Two buddies of mine–Stan! and Hyrum Savage–have started a new company called Super Genius Games and you can check out one of their newest products for free! (A very good price.)

The Forgotten Tomb of Felgar the Goblin King
has a catchy ring to it as a title and the concept is something I heartily approve: an adventure without mechanics. It’s part of their “One Night Stand” series of adventures: little scenarios that can be run in a single night. Because the adventure doesn’t have any mechanics, it requires a little bit of prep on the part of the GM, but all the hard thinking is done for you. Look up the stats for the monsters in your favorite fantasy game (GURPS, BRP, Burning Wheel, Houses of the Blooded, or something even more obscure) and slap some numbers on the beasties. Voila! You’ve got instant adventure.

It’s kind of like baking an instant cake. All you have to do is throw in the egg.

Step 1: Click on the image above.
Step 2: Sign up for an RPGNOW account (also free)
Step 3: Download the adventure
Step 4: Provide numbers
Serves 3-6 players with beginning characters.

I read through the adventure and it has a promising beginning. Of course, I’d add stuff to it to make it more Wicked.

The adventure is certainly worth the price and it comes with a bunch of cool stuff to help you run it. In addition to the GM Map, there are a series of “tiles” that detail each section. You can use them as you see fit. The tiles are in full color, very detailed and damn pretty. Get yourself some colored markers and you’ll have yourself one highly useful GM utility.

The adventure also comes with cut-out stand ups for the monsters. Also very pretty and very useful (especially if you are playing The World’s Most Complicated Board Game).

For free, I was expecting much less. What I got impressed me much. Not just because Stan! and Hyrum are friends (they are) but because my friends always surprise me.

Give them the opportunity to surprise you, too.

(Note to Stan! and Hyrum: when I run your adventure, the players will be the goblins trying to protect their dead king’s tomb from dirty, nasty, filthy grave robbers. I thought you might appreciate that.)